Future of Harewood Arms
What's happening?
Phil Wild, the owner of the Harewood pub and micro-brewery wishes to retire and therefore wants to sell the business as a going concern. Three potential sales have now fallen through for various reasons and there is a chance that the pub could be sold to a pub chain.
An action group has been formed with its main motivation to safeguard the only remaining pub left in Broadbottom, to prevent it being sold to a pub chain and to save it from redevelopment as a residential property. The plan is to purchase the Harewood Arms and run it as a Community Pub. To this end a group has been set up known as Broadbottom Community Pub Group (BCPG). This is currently made up of four people (Lesley Wyllie, Phil Hesketh, Grenville Lunn, Tom Ward) who have volunteered and are working in the background to achieve the goal.
See the group’s latest report and find out more about how a community pub works.
Latest update (June 2024)
Lesley and Phil joined us at the BCA AGM on Monday 10 June and gave an update on their plans and activities.
The group is registering BCPG as a Community Benefit Society and has been invited to apply for funding from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, in addition have applied to Tameside Council to have the pub listed as an Asset of Community Value. They would very much like to thank Phil, the current owner, for his patience and support with this project.
They have also begun collecting pledges for financial support for buying and running the pub. You can see their progress on the Harewood Arms Facebook page.
To get involved, email to communityharewood@gmail.com. Please give your name, address, email & phone, and if you have any relevant skills or experience or time to help.