Connect with our community
Advertising and articles
We accept relevant advertising and articles to include on our website, in printed materials and emailed newsletters, subject to available space.
There’s no charge for non-profit organisations and a small charge for businesses, to help cover the BCA’s running costs.
Our BroadCAst newsletter is always available online and emailed to subscribers. When funds allow, we also print it and deliver door-to-door around the village. Our wonderful volunteers donate their time to deliver our printed materials, but we offer advertising options to help cover the cost of print.
Please see prices and terms below and contact us for all enquiries and bookings.
Prices for businesses
Website events section £10 per entry
Space in BroadCAst newsletter – printed edition delivered door-to-door around the village (also available on the website and emailed to subscribers) width by height
- 210 X 90mm – £60
- 105 X 140mm – £50
- 210 X 60mm – £45
- 105 X 105mm – £40
- 105 X 70mm – £30
- 80 words plus photo/image – £10
- 150 words plus photo/image – £15
When we have enough content, we print additional leaflets. Ad in A5 special events leaflet, printed and delivered door to door around the village – prices include an events entry on our website, if relevant.
- Quarter page- £25
- Half page- £40
- Full page – £70
We can create artwork for you or accept finished artwork files – please contact us to discuss.
Terms and conditions
- Content is accepted subject to availability.
- The trustees will select content for each publication and reserve the right to give priority to BCA or non-profit content, even if this becomes available after accepting paid content. Any payments already made will be refunded or held for a future edition, whichever is preferable to the customer.
- Acceptance of content, and the definition of relevant and appropriate, is at the absolute discretion of the BCA trustees.
- Our door-to-door distribution aims to cover most addresses in Broadbottom, but we cannot guarantee that some won’t be missed by our volunteer team.
BroadCAst schedule for 2024/5
Edition | Deadline for content |
Sep/Oct | 16 Aug |
Nov/Dec | 18 Oct |
Jan/Feb | 13 Dec tbc |
Mar/Apr | 14 Feb |
May/Jun | 23 Apr |
Jul/Aug | 13 Jun |
Who funds us?
The BCA relies solely on public generosity. As a registered charity, we take pride in serving as the neighbourhood hub for the village. Even with volunteers providing their time free, without donations from households and businesses in the village, we couldn’t continue with our current activities.
Table of Contents
Support us
We do not receive regular grants from Tameside or any other body.
You can donate via the “Donate” page on our website, or via the Yellow Envelope Scheme at any BCA