Broadbottom Village

A website built by the community for the community

Become a member of the BCA

For just a small annual contribution of your choice (we suggest £5 per household but welcome more generous donations), your whole household will become members of the Broadbottom Community Association. 


Without your support, our work wouldn’t be possible. 


You can make a payment by bank transfer (which is our preferred method, as there are no charges to us for the transfer) or PayPal (we pay 30p plus 2.9% for each transaction).

If you can, please remember to Gift Aid your donation. (Don’t forget to include your address.) This gives us an extra 25p for every pound donated, at no cost to you. BCA is a registered charity, number 505679.

Or use PayPal by completing details below

Or, if you prefer, we can accept cash or cheque donations. Please pop your donation (making cheques payable to Broadbottom Community Association) in an envelope marked BCA MEMBERSHIP (including your name, address and if Gift Aid applies) and drop through the letterbox at 58 Mottram Road, 4 West End Way, 31 Moss Lane or 8 New Street. You can also donate and become a member at any BCA event.

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