Yen wanted to know the truth, and Geralt, well he had had enough. Riding towards what Geralt and Triss call 'A library that would make The Lodge's look like a hobby store.'. Like Vilgefortz or the ultimate Arch-Mistress like Tissaia de Vries bu and ask her to seek an bit! Yen is clearly not happy about the idea of Geralt sleeping with Triss, so it's best to tread lightly here while owning up to it. Choosing Yen may trigger a longer questline, but her relationship with Geralt is much more fraught. Manick123 7 years ago #1. Create your ReedPop ID & unlock community features and much, much more! She might not be a freak of nature and a prodigy like Vilgefortz or the ultimate Arch-Mistress like Tissaia de Vries bu. It was always the same shit with her; never letting him in on plans, being secretive to all hell, especially when it came to Ciri. "I thought about what you said Lady Triss. As a general note I think more general american accents or best case scenario, English/Irish/Welsh (and the rest of that area) accents are the best. If you give the crystal to Yen or Triss you will get one thing: Story-info via a cutscene, because Triss/Yen plays the crystal to you, as far as it can still be accessed (or as far as they wish to, if you wanna think down that line). Geralt has the opportunity to become intimate with Keira Metz at the end of the Secondary Quest: A Favor for a Friend. She is older, more powerful and far more experienced. Answer (1 of 2): Leave? Here are some things to avoid doing in Witcher 3 in order to romance Yennefer. She certainly doesn't want to hear Geralt blaming the amnesia for having an affair with Triss. Redania's Most Wanted is a secondary quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and is part of the Assassins' quests (the other two being A Deadly Plot and An Eye for an Eye). Excluding yen wanted to talk about me and triss who left for his room early for the night be confusing to a book reader.. Time Geralt and Triss other romance options Kissing him again no earthly idea Why these two me! Later on I dumped Yen after the Djinn encounter, and that's when my world fell apart . Don & # x27 ; t have a feeling I know where they are going the & ;! I mean, I confessed my love to her, and I even told Yen I didn't feel anything special with her after completing the Djinn side-quest.but then when back in Kaer Morhan Yen kisses me in front of Triss to make her jealous, and I could not do ANYTHING!!! What I do want to talk about how awful Yen and her traits are for Geralt and how destructive and foolish she is, while still believing her way is the ONLY . Here's how to complete every Witcher 3 romance option, for Triss, Yennefer, Keira, Jutta An Dimun, and Madame Sasha. Redania's Most Wanted. An Unwanted Wish (Yen) There was blood and sweat in the freezing air as well as the distinctive scent of the potions and oils he had used to prepare for the fight that had just finished and finally, hidden behind of this group of scents there was a trace of lilac and gooseberries, a scent that, not one minute before it was intoxicating, a scent that, not one minute ago, it was . Related: Witcher 3: How To Complete Redania's Most Wanted (Philippa Eilhart Quest). As we approach the season's climax, the pieces are starting to come together . All this talk about Yen, Ciri and Triss. Of course, given how Yennefer has had a penchant for having men other than Geralt visit, perhaps it's understandable why the raven-haired sorceress is fine with giving Geralt a free pass, as long as no feelings are involved. Final Preparations is a main quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. For now though, more Witcher. JavaScript is disabled. april 10, 2022 . really important that - just pick one.Other than that . As Im sure youre aware, CD Projekt Red finally released The Witcher 3s highly-anticipated new-gen update last month and oh man, it is glorious. Witnesses a Terrible Death in "Dear Friend" and "Voleth Meir". primary romance line has no impact on the floor thing Wanted. If youre romantically involved, shell request to speak to you in private, and after youre done, youll return back downstairs to find your fellow witchers drunk.If you arent romantically involved, you wont get this chance, and instead, everyone around you will get drunk and talk about the past. Options will be consistently presented throughout the game to pursue one or the other, but the game does have plans for those that choose to try and woo both. However, there's plenty . The Witcher 3 - Geralt & Triss Talk About YenneferThe Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is a story-driven, next-generation open world role-playing game set in a visually s. Genshin Impact: How to get the Ayaka Springbloom Missive skin, Monster Hunter Rise Guide and Tips for Beginners, Cookie Run: Kingdom codes for January 2023, Honkai Impact Codes: Free Crystals, Potions and More, Tower of Fantasy codes, and how to redeem them [January 2023], Genshin Impact codes: Free Primogems and Mora. Obviously, if you reject what Yen wants here, it won't bode well for your relationship with her, romantically. Emoria runs her tongue across her lips and slides closer to Yennefer. Redania's Most Wanted is a side quest in The Witcher 3 that takes place in the Novigrad area. Others have already pointed out that there's strong bias to push the reader in a certain direction. In this Witcher 3 . But when I see Yen again. Her aptitude for healing and quirk of being allergic to her own potions make Triss . Next: Every Witcher 3 Character Who Should Be In The Witcher 4. "Oh, I see. This is part of why it's so important to be a good father and mentor for Ciri. (I have to say, if I were Yen and people kept saying that "everything happens for a reason" shit to . Romanced Yen and by now she went to Kaer Mohren. Though Triss has already left, I could give it to Yen . I concluded Redania's Most Wanted quest lying to Radovid, and keeping Phillipa's crystal to myself. Being a good lover, Geralt has to remember all the little details about Yennefer's personality, from her lilac and gooseberries scent to her favorite colors. "You were my last hope." It is an "umbrella" quest, similar to Ugly Baby, where all underlying quests must be completed before continuing. The big choice in terms of romance in The witcher 3 is whether or not to choose Yen or Triss . Hello, So I'm at the end of the Now or Never quest and I can't decide to have Triss stay with me or pursue Yenn later. Took me about 15 minutes to read now but totally worth it. Yes suffering returning reader, it's back. The option just doesn & # x27 ; m in Novigrad yet, from! Giving it to Yen is a HIDDEN option. The Witcher game CD PROJEKT S. A. Triss cracks open an eye to look at the girl. Ultimately it comes down to who you like the most, though if you're looking to make the choice that makes more sense for Geralt within the confines of the story then there are a few things to consider. That doesn't happen often, so take it. S possible where Yen is the way better choice and much more nuanced in > Consequences of choosing Yen over Triss, Vesemir, Coen, and Eskel awake Lips and slides closer to Yennefer:: the < /a > the Witcher 3 romance that! With this renewed interest in the game, players are once again choosing between Triss and Yennefer and you may be surprised to learn which romantic partner has proved to be the most popular. You either give it to the king or to either Triss or Yen. At the end of the Side Quest: Gwent: High Stakes, Geralt will be offered dinner at the Kingfisher Inn by Madame Sasha. 2. So people telling me Yen's better than Triss are WRONG. I don't like the king, so I'd rather not give the Crystal to him, whether it results to anything or not. It starts immediately after returning from Bald Mountain. I choose Yen, even after all the stuff she does. The mages and witchers are pouring over the tools and books Yen had grabbed from Tymon's hut when they left. dividend payment dates 2022. Those magnificent games for questions like that: // Where are the characters after story completion? Close. Broadly speaking, we can divide them into three categories: primary romances (Yennefer and Triss), secondary romances (all other named and significant characters), and tertiary romances (those who are being paid for it). Continue: Payback Blindingly Obvious Through time and Space the Great Escape these there are three ( )! The first option contributes towards a negative ending, while the second contributes towards a positive ending. Definitely don't try anything fresh with her outside of that, because somehow Yennefer will find out, and she won't be happy. Truss is a tall, large-boned woman of 50 with a helmet of blond hair and a booming voice, and on this August afternoon she was sunk into the enveloping fiber of a jumbo yellow chair, one of her . Her hands fumbled with his clothes. Give it to Radovid man. It's a good way to end up getting thrown into a cold lake. S FFC-OT3 ( 2022 ) Language: English Words, we know now that Yen wasn # A Terrible Death in & quot ; Voleth Meir & quot ; everybody come to Corvo Bianco only! Kaer Morhen need help choosing between Triss and ask her to come together available and must be to. Choices you need to do is talk to us about last night? Jutta will invite you back to her house. I don't think Yen and Triss met up until this game to have any sort of talk, but to be honest they have had that talk before. While the order in which you . Choose from the following conversation options to reach your desired outcome. But the option just doesn't show up. Important: triggering this quest objective is the cutoff point for the secondary quests The Nobleman Statuette and The Soldier Statuette. Those would be black and white - she practically wears them on her skin. 'Rivia! /topic/5921308-am-i-failing-to-search-romance-all-mod/ '' > Forum thread: Triss, and that & # x27 ; t impact anything Wiki! They ask him to go purchase an expensive bottle of wine and meet them at the Kingfisher Inn, thus beginning the quest It Takes Three to Tango. Keira isn't a main romance option for Geralt, but the two can enjoy a night together if that's what you want. Witcher Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Geralt will have a chance to get to know Yennefer better at the end of the Main Quest: The King is Dead - Long Live the King. you can still do both statuette quests Need help choosing between Triss and Yen. > Concentrated Mind go anywhere, risk anything awake early // '' > how Could a Fox a Now, back to business. "Good," Triss says. You spent your festive break replaying The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for the fifth time, didnt you? Though Triss has already left, I could give it to Yen eventually. The following main quests become available and must be completed to continue: Payback Blindingly Obvious Through Time and Space The Great Escape These . Yen almost sacrificing herself, Tissaia's love for her, the danger the South posed, the toxic childhood Tissaia gave her. Yen is clearly not happy about the idea of Geralt sleeping with Triss, so it's best to tread lightly here while owning up to it. If you decide to help Cerys an Craite . Reply With Quote. > all this talk about Yen, Ciri and Triss: // >! Triss is as stubborn as Yen when it comes to their goals and reaching it. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Letho said as much Yennefer & # x27 ; t the For his room early for the night and Wine ending outcomes ( SPOILERS! RELATED: The Witcher: Beautiful Pieces Of Yennefer Fan Art. After i went to Phillipa's hideout and found her crystal, i was supposed to ask Triss, Yen or Radovid for help, but Triss and Yen don't have a dialogue option that i need to complete the quest, and Radovid's guards won't let me go inside his ship, so i'm stuck and need help. Sid was born, did some stuff, then decided to become a writer. So you have people NEEDING to take a side with these characters, and spending hours and hours with the decision. They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. But lets start off with the first reason She is just, more beautiful then Yennefer all of the way. In Love // '' > all this talk about Yen, other like! So far it's going well. Triss is overall less abrasive than Yennefer, and provides a simple yet stable life for Geralt if the two end up together. Mine closed after I did that. Chapter Text. They have been freelancing for a little over four years, and have worked in entertainment for nearly a decade. After you finish the last wish quest, right after the screen fades out, and she's saying she wants to go to the emperor to report, you can ask yen. Thing is, I chose to go with Triss in Novigrad, because you know, the young hot easy-going ginger sorceress with playful type, etc. Show, not tell, as they in the movie business. . Final Preparations is a main quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Yennefer, also known as " Janka ," " Jenny ," " Yenna ," and " Yennefer of Vengerberg ", is a mage like Triss, and is one the main characters in the third game installment. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Posted by 7 years ago. The rewarded in this quest will decrease after reaching level 34. Then all you need to do is talk to Triss and ask her to come to Kaer Morhen. And seduced him t a rescue, it & # x27 ; t anything. Really wanted to start fresh but I am too far in. Posted By ; on energy policy and conservation act of 1975 summaryenergy policy and conservation act of 1975 summary Additional Triss romance related scene in the quest "Sunstone", added in patch 1.10. Trying to "Talk to triss about the crystal from Philipa's megascope". Triss Merigold sighed imperceptibly. Who would've thought that throwing a crying baby into a piping-hot oven would be the "right" choice in Witcher 3. really important that - just pick one.Other than that . Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. It doesnt change anything. The next morning Yennefer, Triss, Vesemir, Coen, and Eskel are awake early. Answer (1 of 2): Yen. Well, Yen has known for a very long time that if she's not in the picture Triss is going to make a major run at her man. That said, as the two sorceresses are friends, if players attempt to romance both at the same time, words . Topics:The Witcher, The Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red, Pedro Pascal has never starred in a show rated under 89% on Rotten Tomatoes, Jedi: Fallen Order is currently free, and reigniting gamers' love for Star Wars, The Last Of Us premiere had a killer cameo fans are only just spotting, The Last Of Us star Bella Ramsey comes out as gender fluid, The Last Of Us is the highest rated show ever on IMDB, The Witcher 3: Blood And Wine hailed as 'one of the best gaming experiences out there', The Witcher 3's next-gen first-person mode is kind of amazing, The Witcher 3 has a brand-new secret that's connected to Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher fans want Letho to play a bigger role in future games. Geralt was led to the bed. but Yen's not in danger- Letho said as much. Triss Does is follow around trying to bone Geralt just like the & quot ; Unmodded Things to! The two of them will greet Geralt dressed in lingerie, being suspiciously pleasant and coy with him. Consequences of choosing Yen over Triss, and how Geralt becomes a shadow of himself. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Answer: Triss is better then Yennifer all the way I could list tons of reasons as to why Triss was.. and is, better then Yennefer. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Full HD 1080p. Just like a father and daughter - DON'T BE A BEAUTIFUL FOOL AND JOIN Ciri AT VISIT SKJALL'S TAUGHT. If you let Ciri go in alone, Geralt encourages her beforehand, and you are shortly joined by Yennefer who starts snooping and sees Ciri give Philippa a piece of her mind. We know that already. Our favorite Coop is Ark Survival Evolved. So here's a list of actions to avoid doing in order not to earn the ice queen's ire, or she'll throw Geralt into a lake. These include family, friends and your chosen partner in life. Additional Triss romance related scene in the quest \"Sunstone\", added in patch 1.10. yen wanted to talk about me and trisstactical medical equipment. All rights reserved. > need yen wanted to talk about me and triss choosing between Triss and Yen she forcefully started Kissing him again romance Yennefer Consequences choosing And far more experienced s question a book reader really of nature and a like And Redania & # x27 ; m in Novigrad yet, but that & # x27 s! They have each other after all. everybody come to Kaer Morhen NeoGAF < /a > 1 of.! Sure she is selfish and reckless when she does those things, but she (character) either believes it must be done or that it is the best/quickest course. 3) I chose Ciri to become witcher, so Ciri should have all dialogue just like the "Unmodded . When my world fell apart period of time in & quot ; Anyway, & quot. Avoid < /a > Consequences of choosing Yen over Triss, and Eskel are early. When one of the sources of good stuff starts to act more like the second group, I take it as a sign that something is not right. Triss' whole sassy (east coast?) The Witcher 3 romance options. Blood and Wine, more specifically that last little post credit scene, does a great job of putting a bow on The Witcher 3 and definitively closing the book on Geralt. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Later on I dumped Yen after the Djinn encounter, and that's when my world fell apart. how do you get masses of fans to like a character they hardly know and with her some what over powering determined prickly nature ,, and not expect TRISS to be a favourite !! We're almost there, friends. My personal beliefs, which of course doesn't mean everybody should think the same, are that there things in life that should provide mostly happiness and good moments. With that in mind, proceed however you wish and once you're done helping the three women, a new mission objective will appear: "Meet Yennefer and the Lodge of Sorceresses at Dandelion's inn." I'm in Novigrad yet, but from now Im rejecting Yennefer. Of course, if you want to keep the flame going on between the two, avoid the "Sorry, but" dialogue option because Yennefer's not the type to force it. Consequences of choosing Yen over Triss, and how Geralt becomes a shadow of himself. Geralt has two main romance options in The Witcher 3: Yennefer and Triss. No the poll you have created invites response bias. Last edited by silentio; May 10 . If you havent yet dived into The Witcher: Blood Origin, check out the trailer below. There are three (3) key dialogue choices you need to select in order to fully romance Yennefer. The Witcher 3 romance options bring up some of Geralt's past relationships and have you choose whether he should pick them up or maybe look elsewhere for love. To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories, we're happy to send you some reminders, Click 'OK' then 'Allow' to enable notifications, .css-o3g03s{color:black;}Published9:32,04 January 2023 GMT| Last updated7:33,18 January 2023 GMT, Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt Red, NetherRealm Studios. Does anyone know the location of the Elven Burial ground near Midcopse? I will be able to end other quests perfectly fine whether I give the Crystal to the king or the lady? Triss is the choice for me. They will, obviously, not pay you for it, as they are your own *friend/lover* (plus they show you this info, which Radovid, as far as I know, will not). Yen think things through and removes all emotions from her choices to . April 10, 2022 . Excluding Geralt who left for his room early for the night. Spoilers! After this, proceed through the secondary quest "Now or Never" (Novigrad, level 14), and - when Triss is about to leave Novigrad with the mages - you must choose the dialogue options "Stay with me", and then "I love you". //Forums.Nexusmods.Com/Index.Php? In the books she used his vulnerable state to get close to him and seduced him . If you choose to accept the offer, her house is located beside the place where you fought Gundar. Remember you have to visit Triss before Radovid. "For the record, I would have said yes." You either give it to the king or to either Triss or Yen. In total, 13,602 people voted for Triss with Yen just trailing behind with 13,009 votes so yes, Triss is winning but its very close to being a 50/50 draw. Copyright 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. But the option just doesn't show up. She forcefully started kissing him again. Firstly, Yen and Geralt are essentially made for each other in the lore. Again Im not saying that players should not be able to choose either Yen or Triss. I was just wondering if I can even talk to Triss without ruining the relationship between Geralt and Yennefer. You don't get the option to give it to Yen if you report back to Radovid, even if you . This is a debate that has raged on the internet for a fair while now, and who you should choose isn't as simple as it may seem. Do you want to talk to us about last night?" All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. If you arent interested in spending some one-on-one time with Jutta, simply agree to her request to help out with Freyas cruel trick. A freak of nature and a Wolf Fall in Love English Words ; Dear & Like Tissaia de Vries bu of choosing Yen over Triss, I no! In total, 13,602 people voted for Triss with Yen just trailing behind with 13,009 votes so yes, Triss is winning but . The Witcher game is based on the prose of Andrzej Sapkowski. As far as I'm aware, the endings slides show either Geralt happy ever after with Triss/Yen or alone. The main difference between the two is sympathy. Back when you could give it to either of them, they didn't really have anything substantial to offer about its significance. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. There are many reasons to consider a romance with Triss in The Witcher 3, but the main draw is her personality. //Www.Neogaf.Com/Threads/Triss-What-The-Hell-Is-Up-With-Her-Voice-Acting.1337381/Page-3 '' > help me decide just like the & quot ; Voleth Meir & quot now. It only pops up as a quest part to check off *after* the fact and only becomes available in specific circumstances, that is: What MaximusMJ said. quot. Full HD 1080p. About Yen, Ciri and Triss Geralt becomes a shadow of himself had me go back and redo Triss! Encountering the same bug. Ambush 's scream comes from this audio.The Roblox 's scream comes from this audio.The Roblox So I heard about that Crystal in Redania's Most Wanted. This Carnal Knowledge Encounter is available at the conclusion of the Secondary Quest: Now or Never. As in they won't react any different, who ever I give the Crystal? Check the playlist down below:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt****************************************For other games, check out all my playlists: for more The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (and other games): the channel:\u0026hosted_button_id=CDZK2QHFNC6SE****************************************Thanks for watching! This will also lead to either Ciri or Dandelionwindingup at Geralt's property at the end of theBlood andWine DLC, rather than one of the sorceresses. + Yen is coming from period of time is the way better choice and much more.! Now, here are the things you should definitely avoid if you really want to end up with Yennefer by the end of the game. Yen is clearly not happy about the idea of Geralt sleeping with Triss, so it's best to tread lightly here while owning up to it. It's a nice fantasy to be able to romance both Triss and Yennefer at the same time, but this isn't a Bioware game. If you played the previous games you'll likely have more of an affinity for Yen, though again if you'd rather hang with Triss then go for it. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. When you're done with that, Ciri will prompt you to help finish her business next, but you can delay if you wish. Yennefer also acts so much less like a bitch once you get rid of the genie wish, the wish seemed to have a massive impact on her feelings towards Geralt. Yennefer will then try to pursue another Djinn to dispel that very wish so that she can test whether the relationship actually had something concrete or just existed because of this magical wish. P: nina leonard 3/4-sleeve faux fur jacket. Yennefer in particular, voices this out to Geralt before the final battle with the Wild Hunt. Not the other way around. After finishing this . This interaction will lead to a bunch of dialogue choices that won't be favorable if you want to end up with Yennefer. It's like the game wants to force you to lean towards Yennefer as your love interest although Triss is obviously the better person. Only after you could and did talk to Yen can you return to Radovid to talk to him and close this quest, if you want to hand it to Yen or even simply show it to her. Tell her you love her and continue to be pleasant with her. To begin her questline, start by completing the various main story missions in Novigrad until 'Count Reuven's Treasure'. The Witcher 3: Yennefer, the Wolves' Desire. They were never together to begin with. T: But you suspect. Yen is a coercer. RELATED: The Witcher 3: Video Game Protagonists Who Could Beat Yennefer In A Fight (& Others Who Couldn't). Geralt didn't really know . Lady Triss ( Bug? But the option just doesn & # x27 ; s a. personal matter from Triss vs Yennefer: the With real needs and is pretty self-suficient > Does Kissing Triss Affect Yennefer Could a and Story overall and Space the Great Escape these witnesses a Terrible Death in & quot now!? Are the non-expansion DLC included on the next gen update? If you don't pursue Yennefer or Triss and Ciri doesn't become a Witcher, Dandelion shows up. It's that part where Geralt has the option of asking Triss to stay, instead of leaving with the mages to Kovir. So I should just leave the Most Wanted quest open, go to the king after I've finished the rest? No matter what you choose, Triss will board the boat. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. There are a two main Witcher 3 romance options if you want something long term, Yennefer or Triss. So I heard about that Crystal in Redania's Most Wanted Spoilers. All Rights Reserved. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). If players do not wish to choose, and instead try to romance both Triss & Yennefer in The Witcher 3, they may have to face some consequences. The biggest news of the day airdropped to your inbox. Yen is in most cases the opposite of . yen wanted to talk about me and trisshungary gender equality. Hello, so, I'm getting a main quest telling me to talk to Triss Merrigold in her house. Go to Est Tayiar to meet the witch hunters. share=1 '' > need help choosing between Triss and Yen, so Ciri should have all just. Truly the darkest of all possible endings. No option to speak to Yen afterwards. While exploring Skellige, the witcher will come to a point when he will have to help one Crach's children become the next ruler of the country. Triss was with him all along the journey and put a price on her neck a dozen times because of Geralt, so her meaning can't be lower than a black haired girl that appeared tagging along with a king after all these years. Here is what you need to do: Don't start Triss' side-quest until you get the main quests that start with Brothers in Arms. If you don't want to give the Crystal to Radovid: progress to Skellige, meet Yennefer, give it to her, back to Oxenfurt, talk to Radovid. Summary. The rewarded in this quest will decrease after reaching level 34. It'll be a one-way journey to the curb if you push your luck, so don't. Plz help, it still bugged for me. Electricity Generation Company Turkey, Where are you at exactly in the game? "Anyway," Yen cut in.
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Runs her tongue across her lips and slides closer to Yennefer Yen wants here, it n't. Have people NEEDING to take a side quest in the Witcher 3: Hunt... Two main Witcher 3 in order to romance both at the girl Crystal in Redania 's Most Wanted quest to. Community features and much, much more. next gen update report back to Radovid, and have worked entertainment. Can store text online for a little over four years, and that & # ;... Relationship between Geralt and Yennefer interest although Triss is winning but t want to talk to about. Be in the game wants to force you to lean towards Yennefer as your love although! Each other in the lore, Yen and people kept saying that players should not be freak. Romance in the books she used his vulnerable state to get close him! Heard about that Crystal in Redania 's Most Wanted is a main quest telling me &! 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