After seeing these posts and seeing the similarities I looked at how he wrote. Same line! WebScammer Mark Baron. I get these on a daily basis. And yet another scammer emerges! Thanks for sharing this information. He said he liked coil and country song. All same questions, dead or cheating wife and underage children. They keep pushing for me to join them there and chat there. Enjoy! At least it does now. Same MO. He claimed to be a Neurosurgeon doing Missionary work in S. Africa but has just been transferred to Somalia. . Im in 3 games right now w/men claiming to be working on an oil rig, widowed and raising kids alone. If youre too embarrassed to ask a person for help, then visit myth-busting sites like or simply copy a chunk of text from the chat session, paste it into Google and hit return.. The photos always look retouched and the grammar fails. Scammer Raymond Thompson. He was good, really good at fooling me. im sure this guy keeps changing his name and tells people his a military doctor or a un peace keeper! Love it when they disappear. I went today to find it, but I believe she/they blocked me, because I cannot find it..She asked right away what I did for a living, and where I lived. if any of you play word feud watch out for steelers2021. When they try to start a conversation I do not waste time talking to them. Since I got a new iPhone about a month ago Im BOMBARDED with game requests from guys I dont know. I always report as abuse impersonation. Omg, Im reading all these and its the same thing Im getting, usually 3 or 4 a day. Claiming wife died i. I am currently talking to 5 of them. And there was one instance when I spelled the word sexy and she mentioned something about it in the chat. Still asking him questions that he never seems to answer. Sounds like the same one I got. I got a doozy the other day! The funny thing is that they all ask the same questions. The talks we had were on Hangouts. This SCARS Publishing book represents a complete guide to help the families and friends understand how these scams work and how to help the victim. Another one is Edward Harvey: divorced with two kids -oil rig worker who also deals in foreign exchange.. Hes getting a bit shitty as I wont change my profile pic to my face rather than my dogs!! I learned my lesson about scammer players. Until I figured it out.. Watch out and NEVER send money no matter what. im fascinated by this phenomenon. All of them have lost their wives (mostly during child birth) and have a kid. He was was looking for someone to love. I speak from experience. Weve tried taking her electronics. When they were almost finished with the job, there was a fire and a picture showed a tractor burning. 59 yrs old, 15 year old daughter, wife dead, lives in Indiana, misspelled words, words out of context, Ex: I swear your husband is lucky to have such an amazing creature as a wife you know ( then theres an 4. She gladly handed over her phone number which I thought was a bit odd. It looks like he is just Robert E. on WWF2. And I plan to find my fun somewhere else. Never feel sorry for them. This man will use all info given to try to gain money or use your phone number to chat with others thru an app. Its a fun game, but something should be done about the message option. I accept the invitation to play with them but after I play my first game, I mute the chat. TOTAL SCAMMERS on WWF. Not like he previous 9 that had no clue. Eventually he got too personal and I knew he was looking to hook up. I have gone through all her emails and messages and she gives every single bank account numbers and passwords away. Me to Alex Collins shipping contractor from New York. The same scenario with me and 3 different men chatting on WWF. WebIn a photo provided by the Washington County Sheriff's Office, the suspect sent Judy a custom blanket that was made with both her and his alleged pictures on it. Let me know if you have been scammed by him too. Sad lies of stories Not a reason to o give them a thing. I like playing the game. I played that guy too. Another one of their ploys is that theyre sending her money back plus more.. Then, they will say that the money package is being help up in port and that she will need to send them an additional $3k to have it released to her.. all engineers and single fathers. First was a civil engineer that suppose to have found diamonds and gems and needed someone to help bring them back into the states but didnt trust anyone with the shipping passcode but me and wanted to me to pay for the special delivery. I like to string em along for a while with vague answers, then tell them their mothers would not be proud of them or some such thing. 6 crew members were there with him? Jose Daniel.beware of him scamming! woodwoad99. Yes, Im familiar with that, avoid Bill Valentine or Morgan Anderson both supposedly from CA . Claims his wife died during childbirth of his now 13 year old daughter. I have a wonderful next door neighbor who is in up to her eyeballs with this guy. Good!! He lives in Denver Co. His speech and choice of words didnt sound like good old USA slang. An engineer in Turkey. Most would not play me if I would not chat so I started to chat just to have a games to play with others. I resisted for a long time, but he had the most chocolately voice! One guy insisted I join hangout!! She chatted nicely for a while until she got into the bitcoin thing. He said that he has two kids and his has full custody of his sons because he caught his wife cheating in his bed. I am talking with a frank wilson who is a marine engineer working for nato. Anyone know Can they penetrate our email which is Attd to be our Banks info + and evrything that who r calls everything over the yrs?? He me several times for my email address and I kept saying no. He says hes in CO but he has. I was weak and now I am a broken man. He also shared that he is a construction engineer born in Germany, resides in Texas and is now on an offshore oil rig in Turkey. Big Deal!! All started out I told him I didnt have a phone. Also I have been catfished on Instagram, by so called Engineers Doctors and Military Officers. Ha! Haha. I also find it insulting that they assume youre playing to be chatted up. Haha I remember LC. I love playing WWF, but it is so funny when they immediately come up with their back stories (all of them were widowers, save for one divorce), they have either a child or a grandchild they are raising alone, and are looking for friendly companionship. A woman has revealed how she was almost scammed by an online Casanova while playing a popular online word game. Words with friends, Michael Williams, about 57, has a grandson in the photo. U only owe ur bills. My profile pic is a close-up of my dogs face. William Paul has over 50 pictures on the internet, some explicit. Kind of odd. Lol. Are we in third grade?) Shesellsseashells68. I said I was pretty much in old hag mode but that if someone wanted to tell me I was amazing & wonderful I would not object. He had already declared me to be the love of his life. I have Mike Scott on wwf now. He lays it on thick implying hes in love. Hello, lol. I just got an invite from a RitchieEvans, an Italian man who is an engineer on an oil rig in the Middle East. I have one at the moment from Spain and living in US. oh and not to forget. They always want to go on another firm of contact so they can send you pictures, and want to see yours. Oh my gosh! Ill see how these play out; as a sidebar, my average points per word has increased because I had to up my game because they have been beating handily. Enjoy! its so very sad because I trust no one and Im sure that then they win !!! While playing, you can access Chat without leaving the board. is supposedly from Texas, widowed, has a 15 yr. old daughter, etc. It's one of the easiest ways to check for a scam. Lol watch for CORBIN BEN,EDDIE JOHNS,BENNET JACK, RICHARD RODGERS,EDDIE JOHNS, Donald Gentle, Frank Edwin. One guy , Austin Scott Miller.. uses the real Austin Scotts photo ( lutenant in the Army.. Thomas Stewart from Texas. My profile picture was the Betsy Ross flag. I started a few conversations just to see telling them I know youre gong to tell me you work over seas as an oil digger, etc I made them mad before they could ask. I got this tonight from another guy Who says that ? Dont know if reporting them had done any good. Doesnt last more than a week usually. I am a an older woman and I am not going fall from it. I play WWF. Ive been playing for years but suddenly almost every game is ruined by a creeper. 51 from Spokane, I am currently being chatted up by frank williams, oil rig worker dead wife, 2 kids, beautiful house etc. How about Frederick Luca? Im only on here to play WWF. All told me theyre in the US, but originally from other countries in attempts to cover for broken English. I sent a Nigerian scammer to the Western Union 3 days in a row to pick up the money I was sending himboy was he mad when he found out I played him , Oh my goodness. Done with the dead beat, wife is gone, single dad bullshit. Collisions #6, Lyfts stock cools as Monday-morning reality sets in Collisions #7, Initial Paradox Offering: Uber Collisions #10, The new triple play: transportation, information, delivery Collisions #11, a collaboration between people and programs, on the internet, nobody knows youre a dog., BLOCK HIM! Headed to Turkey to mine diamonds . Its nothing more than a job to them. red for love white for purity. and now conversations are civil and nice. hope his not scamming other people. I get lots of these and usually ignore them and they stop playing but I am getting sick of it so want to pick on him a bit to keep me amused. A fantastic player who I was really enjoying and we were chatting in the dialog boxnothing all that personal but a bit. Ive been chatting for 3weeks with one who has a very creative story but has now sent me his phone # and is requesting mine. He had twin daughters age 17 but his wife died at childbirth of placenta premieria (so?). Reading these posts has made me feel ashamed because all of the communication gives them more information on how to be convincing to other women. WebRule 11 fights scammers by requiring them to comment on your post before contacting you. Wife in Switzerland remarried . His voice didnt have a german accent. It always starts the same, innocently asking how I am, then where do I live. I have a bunch from Germany living in us. Supposedly a single father with a daughter. I as a guy never message anyone first especially after hearing the stories from my regulars. Oil refineries ect.) She will not listen to me as I have told her many times this is a scam and now she is being used as a mule and dont know what to do as she will not listen to reason. He claims to be a 57 year old gentleman living in California who after 21 years of marriage lost his wife. He have her the worst stories about his marriage and need for sex. Play along for a bit..feeding false info. When they ask for my phone number, they get oneto the rejection hotline!! Has this person contacted anyone else?? Made the mistake of telling one guy I worked in the medical field and lo and behold, hes an orthopedic surgeon for NATO going to the Ukraine. Hi. I am almost certain he is a Nigerian scammer. Claims hes German, and in Whether it is true or not, I dont know. 2 first names. Sadly, he realized there was no cell reception on the ship. Not all of you . Then he said he was from Poland. Also see how many languages they play. A doctor working for NATO. Today I realised Upwords is now also being targeted by these guys. . I get these guy pretty regularly. eBay PayPal and my card details linked to another account. After 4 months I invested 700$ with him. Havent heard from him in 3 days. Can we be friends , and, Im widowed etc. UN wasnt sending their supplies would I go to Walmart and get $200 card and send him. Scammers that we have already banned can't comment. (Zynga is the company that created WWF.). I had to block him in words with friends and whatsapp. The funniest was when I was asked if I was married. A 50 point word and we may get as many as 3 points(coins)! I am sorry people tell lies & act trustworthy & kind when thise things are not true. or aka another one my mom was scammed by! I decided to talk to all of these. They all have pretty much same stories. He liked to ask a lot of personal questions. Yes, start a facebook page, I will definitely contribute..let me know Next thing I know, they disappeared from the game. So this guy is bad news. i hope that in the near future scrabble companies will filter messages like these. Sure enough, after a few games they chatted with me. I resigned from our game and thats that. My grandmother has paid for Jaydens tuition many times. We just recently found a bank statements where she wired $35k to an auto auction in our state. Another jonathon tager has a son 14 works on oil rig. Hasnt asked for money yet but Im sure that will eventually come. He continued to harass me via text message so I blocked him. Am getting this more and more on Words. Ive had plenty of those people do the same thing. I called 1 guy out and he started asking what the other 2 were saying to me. gev1138 3 yr. ago. Not sure how long Im gonna string him along but it sure is cracking me up!! Yep my wife has been getting loads , similar story. They are mostly all engineers on a oil rig off the coast. I have another possible female who is asking about thanksgiving and seems real but who knows. Names to watch out for, WebScammers who use blackmail as a form of extortion are another type of scam to avoid. When I told a friend how he said he was having trouble w/hia phone she said if he wanted to talk w/me he would. Then Ill ask them for money cuz Im 87 years old and need emergency hemorrhoid removal surgery. , Exactly! It was the Dear right off the bat that made my antenna go up. It is just crazy. You should of asked him whod dug him up? I said well if you want me to send you money, you have to send me that first. Lol! Here are a few recent ones: Williamjohn183- playing since 11/22/20 That I have to admit I have received countless times and I block them immediately. Also about to retire and getting huge payout. I like the game; its good for me because I work from home and can drop in and out of it when Im waiting for emails etc, but the downside is that lot of men (im sure women as well) really just want to use it as a dating app. Im going to stop. I forgot to mention that is happening on WWF as well. Be skeptical: dont tell a stranger where you live, how old you are, what you do for a living, what music you like, what TV shows you watch. ROTFL! So I block then right away . Fredrick Andrews. So you can play with a stranger, arent they all, just dont talk to them! Have you noticed how many of them have names that could both be christian names? In this scenario, bots would start the games and initiate the chats with the intended victims. Good one. Collisions #12, Why Amazon Should Buy Lyft Collisions #4, Nonprofits are the real threat to Uber and Lyft Collisions #2, Ford Follows Facebook, Flounders Collisions #3, Why Uber Eats wont save Uber from Collapse Collisions #5, Who Might Own a Car in the Future? I am getting tired of it and now I basically just decline new games. Their typos and repetitious inquiries are consistent throughout our conversations, along with the You there?, when I dont respond right away. This all began on WWF. I lost 700$. All stories are the same. The games gone. Then the chats started. hha I am so used to their game now, that I like to turn the tables on them. Please add Barry Smith of Salem Ill., Steven Wilfred of U.S., and James Smith of Springfield, Ma. Can you share some info about the person you might have come in contact with who is named Fred Anderson? He scammed me out of a little over $200,000. Its easy for them to hack your phone computer etc and they show you stolen photos so they seem to appear more legitimate of course we all know they are NOT!! LOL! Lol lol. Now he disappeared after I marked David as a fraud. He was wearing army fatigue with a tin hat, looked like something out of Good Morning Vietnam . Yes I have been getting the same . Was fine until I requested vacation for him only to be contacted that wanted $24,500 for a 3 month leave!! I have been appreciating a song by The Chicks (formerly the Dixie Chicks) called How Do You Sleep at Night? The responses here seem to be females receiving from males so Im kinda curious. Ive had over 50 men with the exact same statements and questions your mom received . The dates arent ever going to happen, by the way, because the majority of male players live thousands of miles away from where I live. Great reply to use on these creeps!! I heard a story about two people on WWF that eventually got married. Ive had an extended chat with him, which began with him asking what would seem to be the obvious questions of a romantic scammer: what is your favorite flower/color, etc. Look out for a Mark Spiegler. I have a hunch Why they demand quite aggressive to go to Hangouts or other sites. He resigned pretty quickly. I would like to do this. Same, innocently asking how I am so used to their game now, that I to! Game requests from guys I dont respond right away was good, really good at fooling.! Ritchieevans, an Italian man who is an engineer on an oil rig had of... Been scammed by him too they try to start a conversation I not... Saying to me to ask a lot of personal questions to Walmart and get $ 200 card and him! Assume youre playing to be chatted up fire and a picture showed a tractor burning money use. Stories from my regulars is just Robert E. on WWF2 trouble w/hia phone she said if he wanted to w/me! 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I do not waste time talking to 5 of them have lost their wives ( during.
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