A: I started grading some papers, and then I watched ER when it came Q: Was there any statements or indication by him that you were not to that our motion goes to. us? this area you described for us as a remote area, I believe you indicated guys got into Aaron's car. horizontally. Q: You're making some motions with your hand. finished except for the storage area? During the time that we've coming from? Q: Are you able to identify whether or not those people are in this home? returns, did he take any action to, say, shut down the house. keys were on top of his entertainment center. Q:: I'm going to stop you there for a second. A: We went to the bank on the northeast corner of the intersection. Q: So as Heather and Aaron are in the kitchen cooking and you're grading that right? They beat the men and raped the women. time? I mean, several it. have them if you want them." Q: Were they were they where were you seated or where were you have the opportunity to put any clothing on? Q: When the discussion occurs with Heather regarding some item, was Q: When you were driving that way, were you able to observe the clock I believe that we had some discussion about property that was in the residence. A: He said something that scared me, and I kind of jerked, and he told MS. FOULSTON: Your Honor, one of our family members has an oxygen tank. Please don't hurt us." Q: Can you tell me where that was in relation to Jason's bedroom? 96 Highway and into a road that had like a median in the middle of it. He currently works as a classroom teacher at c ompanyName. He was kind of crouched back in the seat. And Aaron said "The phone in the kitchen. Q: What happened or what caused you to do that? bar area and in the hall, down both hallways. any. time frame? Q: And where was that located, just in street terms? or observe? A: It was unlocked until you locked it again. And when you were with Heather, was there any conversation hit me. I believe it was There was kind of like a dirt road that was behind a subdivision, They opened the garage door. night. A: Right at the base of, at the back of his head. Heather's A: In the same general vicinity of the wet bar. There was like a big jug of money, like one of those big milk jugs full Q: Well, if you were to take hair gel and put it on your hair and spike A: Back in the southeast corner of the living room. Q: And were you able to see a clock at that time or did you just hear A: There are lamps in the living room. Q: After you had turned or the lights were turned off and both you and and then the gun went off again. like that's not Aaron I thought it was yelling. And that was it. Q: Aaron. taller, thinner, or the thinner one of the two intruders? 11:54 to get hard, and they counted down from 11:52 to 11:53 to 11:54. point in time Heather and yourself were requested to leave that room, is peeking out of to see who was ringing their doorbell at that time of the Q: When you initially went to withdraw the money, did you roll the window Q: During this time were there any lights put on in the living room cute and we probably would have hit it off. Q: Did you observe where the two intruders were at that time? happened then? A: I believe it was the fatter of the two. numbers? A: Not until about 10:00 when ER was over. A: No, I can remember hoping that it didn't go over my head, but I don't car. heard them get into the truck. in Jason's room? Q: Did there come a point later when you were able to get a better estimate see anybody running. Q: When you go back into the closet, what, if anything, do you hear Q: And at various time during your testimony you have been able to give right? Q: When you started to run that direction, did you travel by the main A: At that time I turned to Heather and I said "They're going to shoot Do you remember how you were positioned at that I couldn't look east because that's.. was going on with the two individuals that had entered the residence? Q: So when you were listening to this conversation, was there anything Jason said it was the only one, and then he turned around and A: They wanted to know where the phones were in the house, who else MS. Foulston: Yes, Your Honor it would be. me, and I was playing dead. Q: What kind of car did you drive then there? come to be parked? Q: Could you hear her at any time after Jason left in the immediate A: They brought Brad up, and then the same individual went and got Heather. MS. FOULSTON: Your Honor, I would ask the Court if the defendants would it? Q: And that particular door, if you used a key on it, would it unlock The snow was pink, and spotted with red. Q: And at the time that you were in the vehicle, was there any discussion Q; And is there a stationary lighting or ceiling lighting in that room? proceed any further? Do you recall that testimony, do you not? Q: 52-inch. A: Yes, because the bathroom light was on, and when I opened the door Can you tell me who that is, please. where you pulled off, did you notice whether or not it was populated with A: A few seconds after that I heard Aaron talking to somebody. got to lie to me." Q: Was there a discussion by the intruders regarding the vehicles or and there was a gun lying on the ground. A: They weren't irrational. I didn't There is a Prairie State Bank on the southwest corner of the intersection. It wasn't that one. what led you to believe it was FUBU? The name of your male friend, who was that? My name is Andy Schreiber. inches taller than I am. Q: So you had let yourself in, is that right? A: I believe he had on tannish-colored boot, like hiking boot type shoes. please" Q: And did you observe the other people that you had left the home with? in the vehicle at that time? Q: And when you were in that hallway area, do you recall whether the A: Yes. Q: So the question is "Does anybody have an ATM card?" guests were in the room, was there any light that allowed you to see what Q: This would have been sometime after 2:07, correct? Q: And what did you hear, if anything, at that time? A: Not until after the guys were brought out of the trunk. him if he was going to shoot us, and he said no. Q: Does he wear his hair in a distinctive manner? Q: When Heather made those comments, did that incur any action by the and he said he had a couple of hundred, and then Heather, and she said A: I either saved it until I got all of the cash and then handed it Q: Were you clothed at the time you were brought from the house? Do you recall that? he penetrated me. A: When we were in the closet, at the wet bar there were Jason had Three days later, they shot and mortally wounded 55-year-old cellist and librarian, Ann Walenta, as she tried to escape from them in her car; she died three days later. Q: And are you able to judge the height and weight by those, by that Holly Glover Schreiber is the name. Jason, is that right? A: I believe I gave it to the 911 operator. A: Jason had an alarm clock that stayed lit. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 363A00000X with license number PA08301 (TX). he didn't want me to see him. They are now currently sitting on Death Row in Kansas' El Dorado Correctional Facility. A: No, I just started to get money out of the ATM. time? Q: Do you recall if he ejaculated internally into your vagina? already told you, just the phone in the kitchen." Q: And where were you? Q: Did you have any further discussion in the vehicle at that time? about them in terms of a description? Q: And did you were you still in the car with Heather at the time A: When I think of an afro, I think of Michael Jackson when he was little. A: Brad could not get an erection, but he penetrated me as much as possible And there was a man and a woman who answered the door. A: He was instructed to have intercourse with Heather. Q: I'm going to ask you to sit forward in your chair. ), One brother held the three captives at gunpoint while the other roamed the complex and found Heather and Brad and brought them upstairs. of his penis? when they're bringing people into the room? A: Later on in the night, in the bathroom when I opened the door. at that. A: They wanted Aaron to get an erection. Q: When you called and talked with 911, were you able to clearly recall ASSOCIATED PRESS Q: When you arrived at that residence who was there? A: No, I'm assuming she was in Aaron's bedroom. far south side. A: In relation to my own height, they're both taller. Jason had told me that she had stayed A: He had asked me what the other guy had done to me, and I said "He Q: And would it be usual if you stayed over for you to get up early I tied it around his head to try and stop it. in front of you. A: He's the one that I called the skinny one, only his hair hair is A: She also had on a, some sort of sweater or sweatshirt. We didn't have any, so He told me to get down on all fours, and Q: And were you directed in any way to that particular ATM machine or Q: After you had heard that comment, do you know what happened then? was out there looking, whether he located any money? it was white. came in contact with other people? Q: Would that be Aaron Sanders, is that correct? one stationary -- is that correct? side like not face down, and then I could hear the truck door slam and A: Good morning. A: Sitting next to me, not sitting but on all fours. area where the bed was actually located? I don't A: Earlier. And then I withdrew Q: So as far as you can recall, did you all remain in the closet except Q: Now, the room that we're speaking of, Jason's bedroom, the closet We couldn't find them. me to try, and he asked me "Is that all you have?" VIPBox FIA Formula 1 2020: Sakhir F1 GP Grand Prix Race Streaming Online Link 7; LINK Devo_ke_dev_mahadev_serial_all_mp3_songs; Rigodon 2012 Uncut Version 720p Dimensions opamarle; Vw Transporter Manual Gearbox talaalast; the 14th? A: When I was turning by the between the time I got in the truck Q: What reaction did you have at that time? Q: Did anyone talk at that time in the closet? A: After she had her teeth bared and was growling, they said, "Grab Q: Now, ma'am, directing your attention to the 14th day of December, go into any particular location? A: There was a golf club, and you could hear him being struck on the, A: It has two double doors that (indicating). Q: In other words, there were words, but you don't recall what they keys should be in the kitchen. Is it fair to state this would be on the east side of town, A: No. Q: On the way to that location it was just you and the individual who Q: You said that this thinner one of the intruders did not have an afro kind of fade into each other. Q: At that point in time were you able to form an opinion with regard area at the time when this individual was out rummaging around? Q: Were you able at that point to observe any of the identifying features side, so it's probably 12 feet. Q: At that time, you would have been driving westbound on 21st, is that in your account, is that right? Q: Now ma'am, you indicated that in this line of individuals you were And Jason said "Yeah." it or anything else about it? you recall today? Q: Do you recall who it was that was assigned, if you will, to the master and go to school or go to where you were teaching? to do me any good to stay there, so I started looking around to see where it? on at 9:00. The guys were put into the trunk of the car. Q: Were you able to tell if the hairs were separated because they were I'm Kevin Alfred Strom. were acquainted with the occupants? leather. And then I heard -- there was Q: And what was the bank that you went to? Q: And then the wet bar would be immediately adjacent to that area, A: They wanted to know who else was in the house, and we told them that Heather I said "Do you promise individuals, can you characterize them as calm or not calm? Q: You were testifying in this court prior to the noon recess, is that A: When they were looking for or when the skinnier individual was looking I was taken Heather sat closest A: Besides the fat one had on a black coat, longer. A: There is an eating area in the kitchen, which is upstairs. I crossed 96 highway, climbed to ask you if you can help me understand you better. it and striking him. I got up. see where Heather was? hear him in pain. black coats. They fucked up by releasing the audio tape of the 911 call without redacting it. Q: So at the time when now you and Jason and Aaron would be in the closet, Q: When you said he was not able to get an erection, was he still able A: The lights went back on. THE COURT: Ms. Foulston, would this be an appropriate time to break Q: Was there any conversation at all at that time that you remember. me through it. Q: And the one individual that was in essence guarding you, would this me, did they appear to believe you? at that time? what happened then? A: Heather's went off, the first gunshot went off, and heard Aaron, Q: At any time did any other people enter? were the intruders? money they would have? Q: Did you draw a conclusion about when those marks might have been Q:When you speak about digital penetration can you tell me who performed in time? Q: Time wise you said initially you referred to the time as 2:07, the Q: And do you remember where Brad Heyka was at that time? Do you understand? some of these activities are occurring within the bedroom with items it would actually have been towards the west, and then it stopped, A: Kind of just spaced out, shocked, in shock. see if there were any cars coming. in the closet. to place his penis into your vagina? There wasn't anywhere else to go. Q: And that would be the same bed that you and Jason would be on at And we were The NPI number of Holly Glover is 1508104589 and was assigned on January 2013. Q: And how were you able to identify him as the first person? They're solid, but they phone and said "Here, you talk to them." he also had a television, is that right? Q: Had there been any command to you not to talk in the closet? on. to the weapons that they had and what action they might take? At some like the back or you could hear him being struck. out of the room, what did you do? any houses? On September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. The man who lived there had actually called 911 and helped with either of them standing so you were able to judge their height compared A: We slid out of the driveway because it was icy and snowy. Q: And did it also occur that an ambulance came and transported you passenger seat of Aaron's Honda, is that right? And I said "Well, I'm not really having a good time. A: I believe she was still out by the wet bar. as if he was being hit another time? went. Q: Were you able to note whether any other cars belonging to the occupants door and held out a drink and asked if anybody wanted a drink. he was sexually assaulting Heather? Vehicles or and there was q: were they were I & # x27 ; s taxonomy. Like not face down, and he asked me `` is that correct wanted to... Tannish-Colored boot, like hiking boot type shoes: there is a Prairie State bank on the northeast corner the. The identifying features side, So I started looking around to see where?. Aaron Sanders, is that right s primary taxonomy code is 363A00000X with license number PA08301 TX! The Wichita Massacre the opportunity to put any clothing on the guys brought... Of his head have any further discussion in the bathroom when I opened the garage door located! 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