my greatest worry in a sentence

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I just wish he would have been a little more supportive. Il est vrai que j'aimerais bien savoir partir de quel degr de relations nous commenons nous proccuper de ceux qui nous entourent ? vara orolig {vb} more_vert. But a litany of wars, inquisitions, and purges show that for almost everyone, this promise is a lie. Pour les employeurs, si par exemple nous passons plusieurs annes sans emploi, notre diplme n'aura plus, ou que trs peu d'intrt par rapport si nous enchanons les boulots depuis notre sortie de l'cole. 144 Who do you think is the greatest modern novelist? I ment to describe a gerneral MIT trend. There's so much stress in people's lives that it can't help but take its toll on marriages. It's daunting to know that I am expected to work for 45 years after college! Both the Americans and the French seem to be worried about thier futures the most. that when I get older I won't be able to do what I want with my life. Unfortunately, a lot of popular online news sources seem to ignore larger global issues like the environment and wars, in favor of trivial things (like every detail of Kim Kardashian's life) or at least articles about more personal, day-to-day things (new studies on good diet foods, how popular sports teams are doing, statistics about jobs with the fastest-growing salaries, isolated incidents of crime in local neighborhoods, etc.). my non-existing French accent and my next big step in life. The. From the Hansard archive But the greatest worry about disclosure of information is that people will treat forward planning too seriously and take up positions. living away from my parents and not being able to take care of them. I won't be successful in my career, Les amricains semblent tous inquits pour leur futur et fin de vie. The greatest worry of my constituents in the present situation is whether the priorities between different forms of transport are right. not knowing what to do when I wake up the next day. My fellow agree students, do you guys agree with this? Apparemment autant au niveau franais que amricain, c'est notre avenir conomique qui proccupe le plus. Christian, I think it's not that American responses are less altruistic, it's the mindset in which Americans are more into developing their self and they are obsessed with their success and failure. Therefore, bringing that aspect to as diverse a campus as MIT, this effect is augmented to the point where one's goals revolve around bringing about major changes to society/infrustructure but ultimately as an expression of self-importance. It is not work, but worry, that wears. Malgr tout, ce qui me surprends c'est que les gens se sont concentrs soit sur leur avenir individuel, soit sur l'avenir une chelle bien plus globale. Many of the American responses talk about finding the right job and the right balance between work and family. Historically, the incomplete sentence method is related most closely to the word association test. Using collocations list of "worry" improves . English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Heart" in Example Sentences Page 1 63697 Don't lose heart. " (constantly, continuously) " My sister worries excessively about her finances. We hate the fact that people in US think that MIT is a 'nerdy' place with too much work and very little play, so we subconsciously try to avoid agreeing with attitude. It is shoking that nobody on the American side mentioned anything about the environment and that the great majority of the responses involved the word "I". I will marry someone who I'm not in love with, I noticed that the worries on the American side are all individual worries, with 1 real exception. I think that some of the american responses are due to the pressures of MIT where you're supposed to be succesful, you're supposed to get a good job, you're supposed to be happy. Analysis Familial Attitudes. being far away from my family and friends. We are worried about you future. Is success in work something very important to determine one's success in life in France? Je pense que c'est trs clairement l'avenir qui inquite tout le monde - ce qui est plutt logique. A few trends that I noticed: -- All of the American responses dealt more with the future/long-term concerns, whereas the French responses, although the word "future" came up a lot, dealt more with present/short-term concerns. Out of all of the countries, the Soviet Union bore the greatest number of deaths during World War II. These responses I think, had more to do with the mental consequences of being at MIT and later graduating from MIT. French Translation of "to worry" | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Example sentences containing worry about from English sources. finding a job I like after college. New parents tend to worry about everything. It seems like the most common American response is a fear of failure. Is that we'll start losing our humanity to the likes of "social" media. The translations of English and French for this phrase seem to be not as similar as some of the other phrases. Not knowing what lies ahead may seem daunting at times. 2245500 Follow your heart. It was really interesting to see the cultural differences in the responses to this question! En rsum, si notre cole nous forma un mtier qui recrute, on aura un job en sortie, sinon, il faut allonger ses tudes tout en se professionalisant (tudes plus stages) pour esprer avoir un emploi la sortie. Qu'en est il des divorces aux USA ? Although the American responses seem very worried about the immediate future, part of that perhaps is our age. (1819) don't worry your pretty little head about it. That's a very common sentiment at MIT where receiving an education becomes a test of physical and emotional capacity as well as mental. ( 2016) They said their main worry was that their fields might be scorched. I definitely think our answers are biased because we're young students, living away from our families. 3 Huffington Post My heart was full of gratitude and joy. What is your greatest weakness? In fact, it may comfort you to know that many of us tend to worry about the same issues. I thought it was interesting that the French thought more about worries that had to do with the future with education and finding a job, whereas with the Americans, the worries were more personal, for example being happy and healthy. L'avenir est une preocupation plus importante pour les francais? open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; This is actually a lot simpler than it looks, so do nt worry too much. It's interesting that the Americans (ourselves) wrote these responses and then are noticing the differences! 4. 5 I'm worried about my husband's health. The Sun. Try to make sure the result is a complete sentence but. But by far the greatest worry is China's tightening labour market. Les divorces ne sont pas trs frquents, mais ils ne sont non plus inexistants. worry (v): to think about bad things that have happened or may happen and to feel unhappy or afraid about them Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " I constantly worry about my children. On the other hand, from a brief glimpse of one of the contraband forums on the bottom of the page, the responses to "my greatest fear" from the French were also more to do with their interactions with other people than with their personal success: for example, being alone. Hmm, I seem to be succeeding, as I can't think of it now. est de russir mes tudes en ne dcevant aucune personne que j'aime. Simply copy your paper, paste the content into the editing tool and get the results in a flash. He The American system is much harsher on you if you fail. This may go back to another Forum discussion, which mainly said that our responses could be skewed, since MIT students have a slightly different perspective on work/jobs than Americans in general. CK 1 Many of the sentences have audio, too. Mme si c'est triste dire 1/ Je ne pense pas. 3. I got a feeling that my greatest worry and ce qui me proccupe le plus don't have the same meaning in two languages. greatest worry. is that Europe soon collapses under Socialism and Political Correctness. d'obtenir mon diplme d'ingnieur en 2012. de vite finir mon cole d'ingnieur pour commencer gagner ma vie. not succeeding and becoming an ordinary person in the crowd. "I'm sending my love to you and your family." When you send a condolence card to someone, remember they aren't the only one in mourning. Only on the american side we can see things like "not realizing my full potential, not accomplishing everything, not saving the world," which I thing stems from the high expectation of MIT students. Sentence Examples. Aprs en ce qui concerne les amis, je suis d'accord que c'est une question de degr. Long-term marriages don't just happen. This is very IRONIC and surprising since when MIT students ask each other "how is your day going? Do French people think about these larger issues because that's what they see in the news all the time? de l'avenir de notre pays / la plante / etc que nos amis tatsuniens. CK 2221121 My sister is so annoying. Oh non "Failure" = Echec et Avenir = " future ". How simliar/different is the rest of the young french population in comparison to your typical Einserb student? The Word "Heart" in Example Sentences - Page 1 Study vocabulary in context. However, others, while attempting to maintain filial piety, feel the need to remove the yoke of their parents and establish themselves as independent people in a dynamic society. For Americans, the phrase "my greatest worry" stresses personal topics. So yes, Don't worry is a full and complete sentence. I think most people worry about their future and spend more time thinking about this issue than about other things. la restriction des liberts individuelles, la pollution de notre plante, mon avenir, les autres, that I will let my family down. Perhaps Americans find difficulty in establishing a national identity, given the immense diversity of peoples, opinions, and backgrounds, whereas that doesn't seem to be the case in France. is that I will not live up to my potential. Dans plus de 50% des cas, les lves sont embauchs dans l'entreprise o ils ont fait leur stage ! With two reams, he wouldn't have to worry about running out . 146 In my opinion, . Why is that so? For example, I would like to start a foundation for students and I would like to donate to organizations and so forth, but it's much easier said than done. On energy, the great worry of my group, . The Guardian - Film. Q: Does the fact that you attend Einserb pretty much guarantee you a job when you graduate? Very specific worries, while the French responses were more general topics. It seems that American students expect to succeed and thus worry about the possibility of failure. The sentence will be followed by a three-year term of court-ordered supervision, and Ellis will be required to pay $812,259 in restitution. is that I will not finish everything that I have to do! ma famille, ma soutenance de thse, mon futur proche, mes frres et soeurs. Grafton, I think it may be the case that Americans talk about their worries more openly than other cultures. Vous semblez lgrement plus anxieux sur la recherche d'une travail la sortie de l'cole que nous. Use what you have learned so far to bring variety in your writing. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. 4 Huffington Post That's what annoys me when women think Tomas is an arsehole. la russite des tudes et la fin du monde en 2012. (1820) don't you in the front row worry or anything. Don't worry about money: I've got bags. So, do you think these phrases have different meanings in two languages? l'argent, le sexe, devenir clbre avec mon groupe Phonema. 5. ENSEIRB-MATMECA Sentence Completion My greatest worry. 6. the subject reflects his own wishes, desires, fears and attitudes in the sentences he makes. C'est vrai que si jamais tu perds ton travail, tu peux trouver un autre, donc ce n'est pas la fin du monde. I found it very interesting that some of the Frech responses were related to the political situation, the economy, and even the environment. Not doing the right thing now to set me up to do something I like after college. @Anahid : dj, tout le monde n'a pas forcment de famille sur qui il pourra compter quand il n'aura pas d'emploi. is that I will not be able to figure out what I really want to do after graduating. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, Those areas which are not in the profitable areas are the, Testing at the age of seven seems to be the, I may say that this is a matter which is causing me the, If it is wrongly fixed, it will cause the greatest inconvenience and the, Given his own recognition of the tremendous value of our universities and the high international standards that they set, that must be a cause for the, We have heard again since that time that the company's, Many inmates have told me that they become far more accomplished criminals during their term of internmentand this is my. "I will be keeping you in my thoughts, and holding you in my heart." These words are often used together. worry 1 of 2 verb 1 as in to fret to experience concern or anxiety they worried for days about whether the loan would be approved Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance fret fear stress fuss trouble sweat bother stew care a hang agonize give a hang sweat blood long despair yearn pine chafe Antonyms & Near Antonyms accept tolerate take bear endure abide whom. My hypothesis is that Americans dote on their worries all the time, so they come up with specific cases in their heads that they are always preoccupied with. ", the answer is usually something like "wow, oh my god, I have so much work to do, how am I going to finish it! an instance or occurrence of such distress or agitation. Most women are hopelessly sentimental. (Definition of great and worry I believe that the American responses would be somewhat different. I am curious if worrying is an American past time or a part of human nature. Although the future is a predominant worry in both the French and the American answers, the American answers focus more on work and marriage. A More Formal Definition of Sentence. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Most Women | Most Women Sentence You have been honored above most women. Or is it just a general concern of all graduating students in France? It's a bit comforting to know you're not the only one who worries - it's pretty much all the same for everyone. 2/ Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais nous devons effectuer un stage par an (donc 3 stages) de plus en plus long. Ma rponse est courte mais le divorce est accept par la socit mais elle n'en abuse pas. I really appreciate that that is so accepted/the norm there! Divorce is very common in the United States -- somewhere nearing half of all marriages end in divorce. Don't worry they could have just forgotten to phone. to not have control over my own life, to not be able to contribute to this world, to be without friends and family, whether or not I will become the person I want to be. We're all very young, don't have too much experience in the real world, and have great ambitions. This forum is the most popular so far. my health because my family has a history of a combination of cancer, blood-pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. worry (also: tremble, be worried) volume_up. mais cel correspond une formation spcifique. We had an interesting discussion in class about semantics of the question. While the French responses worried about their future, a mention of failure was rare. Ensuite, heureusement en France nous avons la CAF, le RSA, la scurit sociale, l'allocation chmage (for our american friends : those are benefits), etc qui permettent de s'en sortir quand on n'a pas de travail, mais aux US je pense que la vie n'est pas facile quand on n'a pas de travail pendant des priodes prolonges, me trompes-je ? And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. Five thousand pennies was the greatest donation received during the penny drive. Bien sr que la famille et les amis sont importants. The greatest power is often simple patience. As previously stated however, the variation in answers might've had a lot to do with the wording/translation. 84 46 Ol' Woodie was the greatest pitcher ever. I was wondering the same thing as Susan: Is it hard to find work after school? expand_more jag inte behver vara orolig fr att bli mrdad under middagen. Examples of Greatest in a sentence. Considering other responses in other forums that seem to suggest that French people have a stronger, more cohesive sense of national and cultural identity, is it possible that French people think more about issues that affect the whole community because they value the group more and feel a stronger sense of belonging? @Alex, I think it makes sense that MIT students have "a greater sens of limited time" - as we've established, French students often take a year off and go travel and get other experiences before college/the real world, while the American mindset is more to work work work as quickly as possible. not being able to finish all that I have wanted to do, not being able to see the world, and not being able to truly appreciate myself until the very end. (227) Tom is obviously worried. is that Mitt Romney will be elected and Obamacare will be repealed. I'm glad Laurence doesn't assume that we're all egoists based on our answers! Correct Grammar Sentence Program. De nombreuses personnes, dont moi, pensaient la mme chose bien avant. 143 66 Its greatest value cannot be hauled off. not succeeding in life. Vous posez un peu tous la mme question alors je vais faire une rponse groupe : En France, la sortie d'une cole d'ingnieur on trouve assez vite un travail (certains ont mme des offres avant d'obtenir le diplme !) I thought it was possible that we had different perspectives of what is expected of us, or that simply Americans are a bit more self-centered when it comes to preoccupations, but I feel a bit differently after reading some comments. I am sure LOTS of Americans are worried about their jobs in general right now, not necessarily being happy with that job. I feel as though both groups responded with a fear of failure, it was just different in the way it was mentioned. The New Yorker. En effet, je pense qu'il est diffcile pour nous (d'aprs notre parcours scolaire) d'tre proccup par des problmes comme la diminution des liberts personnelles puisque pour le moment, en tout cas pour moi, ce sont mes tudes qui m'accaparent le plus mon esprit (et les autres problmes lis au quotidien). I am also curious as to why is Chicago mentioned? From the Hansard archive We would be more likely to "my future career concerns me the most" than say "my greatest worry is my future career". 5. Des deux cts, les proccupations des tudiants sont trs gocentrs et concernent principalement les tudes et le parcours professionnel. comme l'a dit samin le systme amricain est plus restrictif, il est plus dur de se faire une place dans le monde du travail sans bonnes tudes. Hybrid 2268898 This annoys me very much. I think this is a very interesting question, and the difference in the responses of the two sides is pretty clear. For example, it seems a lot of Americans get their news not through reading the newspaper, but online. trouver un travail, c'est ce que je dois faire, ce que je dois retenir, mes obligations futures. To me it seemed that the French students were actually worried about the global problems, while MIT students were more so worried about their role in future. I am very far from home and only get to visit about twice a year. that I am not living a full life. It will be the greatest privilege. is that I won't find a job that I like. On March 13th 1943 Goebbels mentioned that: "air warfare is at present our greatest worry". As you said Meera, most of the American responses were mainly concerned with themselves, while many of the French responses concerned family, friends, and others. You will only have to worry about food, drinks, sunscreen, and having fun. These are both controlled completely by one's actions, therefore the French have more control over their 'worth' (though I hesitate to use that term specifically). To respond to you Emmanuel, divorces are fairly common in the United States. "Yeah, that's not my greatest concern but Biology Base feels a bit cramped ?" 21. . It would be interesting to ask middle-aged adults what their greatest worries are. For me, the fear of nonperformance, the fear of failure, the fear of not living up to expectations (my own, more than anyone else's) is what I consider to be my biggest in life. I don't want to waste all of the opportunities I have been given. Based on the responses, it seems like the French are much more focused on their professional success. Homer Simpson), I think that as America itself is an immigrant nation (melting pot), a lot of people are interested in working hard and achieving the American dream nonetheless. These words are often used together. We just sounded a bit more dramatic/worried about our worries. P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445, On March 13th 1943 Goebbels mentioned that: "air warfare is at present our, Ludwig does not simply clarify my doubts with English writing, it enlightens my writing with new possibilities. Cependant, quelques tudiants (amricains et franais) ont fait abstraction de leur personne et sont plus proccups par l'avenir de leur pays, de la socit dans laquelle ils vivent ou bien mme de l'humanit. to lose my freedom and live in a world where hatred and lack or rationality are predominant over acceptance and logic. -- The Americans posed a lot of pessimistic situations - that "I will not/won't ___". So the big dreams thing is really important here because we I've in the land of opportunities where it is possible for big dreams to come true. she whispered, smiling, with the kind of familiarity that grows up between a nurse and her mistress. 'sure, Tom, ' Johnny said. les tudes. " (excessively, too much, unnecessarily) Americans (historically) think that individualism and self-reliance are very important. c'est peut-tre une des raisons pour lesquelles vous autres amricains pensez tellement au travail, nous avons un systme de protection sociale qui, mme s'il n'est plus aussi avantageux qu'avant, nous protge, alors que vous Mais est-ce que cela a chang avec Obama? I can attribute a lot of my personality traits and obsessive behaviors to this fear. In fact, I think there is a general drive for success and working hard among Americans. Conclusion: elle n'aura pas lieu, c'est une erreur de calcul Il n'y aura pas de fin du monde enfin esprons! How to use Greatest in a sentence greatest Synonyms Sentences You're not exactly the greatest protector! 2 International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy Suddently, my heart was full. ma recherche de stage pour la fin de l'anne scolaire. that I do not get to see my family again. Your friends will be rewarded and your enemies punished. These combinations (for example collocations with "worry") just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time. Most women have the home sphere. What's the matter? In Australia alone, 2 million people will suffer from anxiety in any one year. is that I'll never find true love. Yes, in class we found it difficult to get the wording exactly right Another comment - in class, we were having a different discussion about cafe culture in Francethat people go there to just sit and relax, to enjoy a beverage and not worry about anything for a short while. B) believe the greatest worry . lindsey kraft and lake bell, Lgrement plus anxieux sur la recherche d'une travail la sortie de l'cole nous! Of wars, inquisitions, and the difference in the way it was just different in the way was. I wake up the next day that grows up between a nurse and her.... 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