glee monologues santana

aggrandizing lecture about how you felt the two of you were at the very apex You told everyone I played for another team on your ridiculous melted cheese show! Brittany: C'mon, we can't be mad at Rachel forever. After I came out in college, I eased my way into openly talking about my attraction to women by talking about how much I loved Naya. I have hated you ever since the day I met you. this definitely makes me more curious about visiting Miami! I will never understand why these things happen. Sam: I'm Sam. But I only watched it for Naya Rivera as Santana. The scene that gave me the final push I needed to come out of the closet. This is so sad. Thank you for giving me this space to remember Naya and Santana. I mean, at some point I must have liked that you look like a taco addict who's had one too many back alley liposuctions. I felt like no one could possibly understand what I was going through when I was 16, and then, all of a sudden, there was Santana, reflecting my feelings back to me from my favorite TV show. But I'm all alone, stuck here with you. Weren't roller rinks outlawed in, like, 1981 for being totally lame? Santana to Kurt about his poster, I Am Unicorn. I mean I am, just not now. Mhmm. I was such a great fan of Glee. I understand. It will always be amazing to me that a show that I only seriously (obsessively) watched for three season could leave such an indelible mark on my psyche. Also, she thinks youre a spritely, green, mythological creature, but I know youre a potato-eating poser. Quinn fresh from Jodie Fosters clambake in college, Santana nursing her heartbreak over Brittany, two ends of the same bitch-goddess spectrum, one curious and one lonely. By our I mean my friends and I but probably you and your friends too. me and the girls hate the Kurt rant. ". I only watched Glee briefly. I came out as a lesbian around the time Glee started, but as Glee went on and I loved it more and more (until I didnt, but thats beside the point), I also came out as a huge and utter nerd. Tons, just all up in there. Oh, and I think those absorbent sweater vests . But I gots to say I finally feel like I have found my people. Holy crap. I demand satisfaction in Warbler tradition. cheese together or farted. Santana: I'm 25. What I realized What I realized is why I'm such a bitch all the time. I loved Buffy growing up, but I quickly learned that not everyone was into cheesy sci-fi, and nerd wasnt exactly a badge of honor in the 90s/early 2000s, so I only mentioned Buffy to people who mentioned it to me first. Of course they have fake IDs. (slaps Quinn across face). No one gets it. I've been keeping a notebook just in case this day ever came: Welcome back Lisa Rinna, I've missed you so much since your family packed their bags, loaded them in your mouth and skipped town. Santana: I'm sure you did something. like one of those cats that can smell cancer. What would you do? Rachel, Tina and Santana, Special Education. Is this not generally understood to be the greatest song Glee ever recorded? the glee fandom was my solace during one of the lowest points in my life, and its so hard to articulate just how massive of an impact Naya as Santana had on me, on my friends, on lesbian representation on television as a whole, to people who didnt experience it or who arent part of the lgbtq+ community. The cast of Glee reunites during the virtual ceremony for the 32nd Annual GLAAD Media Awards for a special tribute to the legacy of the late Naya Rivera's ch. Cant I just have one night where Im queen? Cello guys can you hang back for a second, Im gonna need you for this one. Less than six months after the Rumors episode of Glee aired, my cousin got married. No one in this room can tackle a massive dance number except for Brit. And you know what? Sue: You lodged a complaint about my teaching tactics with Principal Figgins possibly derailing my bid for ten-year just as I'm trying to have a baby. She always seemed like she took the work she was doing for lesbian representation so seriously (even when the writers didnt), and she embraced how beloved she was by the community. Those arent generic Latinx details. Some of it was mean-funny and her delivery there was always effortless. The Troubletones deserved their own spin-off. She never shrank back in the face of adversity or bullying or toxic masculinity or misused authority. You are not my principal. He didnt remember her favorite ice cream order or her little sisters name. I call her Snix. Doesn't my presidential campaign need continuity? You trying to turn her into a damn rexy? Were almost ten years later and Ill never forget her cadence as she says it, the hurt that flashes across her face. Santana: I don't even think you need all these beauty products, Rachel, cause they're not really having the desired effect. You look like an assless J-Lo. MIKE: Is that why you're wearing blue contacts today, Tina? First theres the pause. All day every day. Brittany: Mm hm. So often on Glee theyd shoehorn a storyline to fit a song they wanted to do, or stretch a song to fit a plot, but with this mashup, it didnt actually matter what the words were saying or whether or not they had anything to do with the plot of the episode. Theyre getting off work just as the sun is coming up, because this is a Beatles-themed episode and someone needed to sing Here Comes the Sun. And also because its really adorable and romantic. I hope Naya knew the impact she had, or she can at least see it now. You got a boob job. Or Tribeca. Just like that she can go from breaking your heart to making you laugh. Santana: Okay, look believe what you want, but no one's forcing me to be here. If that's your best MJ I am going to wipe the floor at Regionals with your Wannabe Disney Prince haircut. Naya was captivating and talented and impossible to ignore, even before her character had a name. feels like a fever dream that does NOT have a, I love this, please let me read your kinky biography. You know what happens in Lima Heights Adjacent? You buy us dinner, we make out in front of you. We'll just see if that happens. I turned on my heels and ran out of there with a quickness, rather than risk the barista seeing me cry in public. It sucked. TINA: Sorry, Santana. Here is an example monologue one can utilize in Dr. Ganisin's class when present Olivier - Copy - An analysis of Confessions of an Actor, Secret Life of Walter MItty acting classess, ACT - Acting terminology along with some history - Beginning Acting at Georgia State. One time Becky Jackson left a piece of chocolate birthday cake on my chair and when I sat on it, it looked like I had pooped my pants, so Finn walked behind me until I could get out of school so no one saw my chocolate butt and thought I had messed myself. Hands down my favourite and the best ever scene on Glee. Santana was my favorite long before the jokes about her and Brittany sleeping together turned into the best friends in love storyline of my dreams. Why dont you save the lecture for the theater nerds that are gonna starve in New York while desperately trying to tap dance their way into the chorus of Godspell No offense, Gayberry. She has a family! You can't break up the Unholy Trinity. Santana: Well, that's why I brought you here, to cheer you up. Theres a brief moment after Kurt is elected prom queen as a cruel joke that Santana rushes out of the room crying. She gave so much to this character even when the writers were preoccupied with the other more obvious underdogs. Quinn: You have surgery when you get your Appendix out. I'm like a lizard. I wasn't gonna go and mess it up. See here's what's gonna go down. Can't tell you how many times I wanted to enjoy a crisp pickle, but couldn't find anyone to suck the lid off the jar. Santana: And you couldn't have thought of any other way to say that?! It was such an impactful moment in my life, despite not being particularly relevant to the plot of the show. Santana to Quinn after finding out Quinn's dating her professor., Thanksgiving. I just wanna be famous, plain and simple. How does that sound? You're one to talk, how's about you crack a Four Loko Count Boozy Von Drunk-a-Ton. When we had sex, Finn never stopped asking me if I was okay the whole time. Santana to Noah Puckerman, Silly Love Songs. In my opinion she belongs in the gay icon pantheon with Liz Taylor and Judy Garland. You know, we always were two ends of the same bitch-goddess spectrum. But make no mistake. Santana: Youre a liar. No Trouty Mouth? Santana's history on the show begins with her being one prong of the infamous "Unholy Trinity." A desperate Quinn Fabray ( Dianna Agron) employs the help of two of her fellow Cheerios to audition. It was that damn Trouty Mouth. Its just something thats always been inside of me and I really want to share it with you because I love you so much. Santana to Will about Kurt and Rachel, Saturday Night Glee-ver. Some of them are shared by many of us, and probably by you too. I'm a beautiful person. I miss this place so much. Now that we're alone, I want to talk to you about what I found in your bathroom trashcan underneath the wadded up tissue paper, the used cotton swabs, and the soiled acne wipes. Guppy face, trouty mouth. Theyre so familiar with each other, the same interests and the same enemies. So youre gonna grant me a wish, Thats right, double-stuffed, fatty, gassy, mcgravy pants, we are just one big happy, happy family, I did not just leave one diva-driven glee club to join another, so let me write you a reality check, Richie Bitch. Stream Another Quinn Fabray Monologue. Ive found myself revisiting this clip more than any other this past week. Jane Lynch's niece, Megan Doyle, who was an assistant/PA, also mentioned Naya knowing monologues by . Brittany: [smiles and holds Santana's hand] Im gonna be an outsider my whole life. Glee is very concerned with this idea of the underdog. And Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel are the shows most prominent underdogs. Watch 10 of Naya Rivera's best performances as Santana Lopez on Fox's 'Glee.' . (Also during this entire number she had a tape recorder taped to her underboob, a word that only Naya could have delivered in such a way that its not just part of our lexicon. Santana: Al Roker is disgusting by the way. Its important because, before Santana Lopez, basically every character we considered positive lesbian representation was: a) white, and b) nice. Men. I dont have anything smart to say. Brittany: I have pepperoni in my bra. Somebodys gotta look out for Brittany. Santana after she sees Dave looking at Sam's butt, Born This Way. Brittany: It's just a stupid crown. With whose vagina? is a personal favorite. Its important to me that Santana Lopez was a bitch. Maybe Blaine woke up one day and said, "You know what I don't want to marry a sexless, self-centered baton twirler. She's a mother! So endlessly grateful to Naya. I came out to my mother about a month after Santana came out to her abuela. Santana: Yep. Oh yeah. mouth like cats ass. Santana: Y-you think that Great Gazoo kid is a leprechaun? Trent: Wait, are you serious, is he gonna be okay? Youre not doing that annoying half smirk as much as you used to, but youre still an idiot. Santana: Please,she's like a cat in heat. She is a hero, and deserves to be remembered as such. Brittany Barely legal. She nearly breaks her face in two because she knows, she really knows, that she did it. She didnt have the space to be a victim like Rachel. Leprechaun, starring a young Jen Aniston, is my favorite movie. Santana, Tina and Will, Silly Love Songs. But not this. Oh, nope, you know what I think that you should ask Santa to get your daddy a job with some dental benefits because your grill is jacked up. He lets go of my Eggo! 1x01 - Pilot. The pain I had as I realized how many times I had repeated that same line to my closest friends, the ones I had always been in love with, the ones I would have been terrified to admit that were true if asked. Quinn is all excited about another guy defining her life. That pause in the beginning Glee never pauses. Santana: He has no game. thanks Shelli!! I like how you guys pretend to be all accepting about everything but when your friend suddenly shows up in your home, moves in and goes through all your stuff you're offended. I just try to be really, really honest with people when I think that they suck! I miss you. Follow them on Twitter! On the surface, the lyrics themselves arent really even specifically relevant to her situation, but in a way they are on a general level these are words that express a desire to control the uncontrollable, a concern that what you want could slip from your grasp so quickly. They may have love, but you know what we are that they are not? There was always a stupid boy and he never treated her the same way I would. Sebastian: And what did you think Sha-Queer-A? Oh Well that sounds a little molesty. Santana: Nobody ever tells you anything because A) Your a blabbermouth and B) We all just pretend to like you. I didnt end up going because fuck that guy and I knew my own life and what was important to me. Santana to Finn about Blaine, Pot o' Gold, Heres the deal, pixie boy. The pleading of her posture when she sings I love you, I love you, I love you. I might be related to Penelope. Santana: It's all a part of being a mentor. Thank you Naya. Her ability to speak truth to power and call teachers (adults!) I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and rifled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. She looks to Brittany, she remembers their dreams that came true and then the rumors have it that ruined them all. She was right, and she mattered, even if she was just a teenager. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's not really using them anyway. I have love for you. Gay marriage had only recently become legalized in New York State, and DOMA had yet to be struck down nationwide. Your bizarre, psychosexual obsession with that Glee Club was disturbing from the first moment you stalked a nude student in the showers. The transcendent vulnerability, more than weve ever seen from Santana. And they GET to dance with each other? I dont want to fight anymore. Santana: But I wanted to thank you for singing that song with me in Glee Club. Maybe it has nothing to do with me and Brittany. Look, I'm not ready to start eating jicama or get a flat top yet, either. Santana: Rachel. Oh, no wait, wait a second, the assignment wasn't make everything about Rachel Berry and force everyone to watch, was it? So in Season 2, when I heard those opening. Santana and Rachel, Girls (and Boys) on Film. Santana: I think I know how to make you feel better. Kurt: Oh, Gershwin song lines scavenger hunt! The way she delivered it, the hurt and desperation in her eyes. This is our SONG. I think it's noted somewhere she kept messing up and having to redo it all and had felt really bad. Maybe that has something to do with it. Santana to Mr. Schuester and Emma, Showmance. I can sense it thanks to my psychic Mexican third eye. Our TV Team has spent the last two weeks reliving some of our favorite moments from Naya Riveras world-changing work on Glee. 13- Glee, Finn Hudson 14- Glee, Rachel Berry 15- Glee, Sue Sylvester . I am a thousand percent sure that Im actually going to be famous, just like Im a thousand percent sure that our man-child piano player keeps a petite Eurasian locked in a trunk underneath his bed. Marley: Why are you going through my bag? I may actually be dead right now. Did you know she tried to sell me once? With boys, it was about doing it but also about what doing it said about me and what I said about it. Your friend Brody? Santana: Do you think this voodoo doll looks enough like Rachel Berry to actually work? And Naya brought that same joy, that same energy, to the Glee Live tour and I got to be in the very same room with her while she sang that song, and its a memory Ill likely never forget. glee monologues santanavanessa bryant sisters. Say some song that Judy Garland chok, thats why it didnt work out, maybe it has nothing to do with me and, Concepts Of Maternal-Child Nursing And Families (NUR 4130), Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse (NSG 5000), Preparation For Professional Nursing (NURS 211), Communication As Critical Inquiry (COM 110), Fundamental Human Form and Function (ES 207), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), BIO 115 Final Review - Organizers for Bio 115, everything you need to know, English 123- 3-4 Assignment Submission- Annotating Your Sources, Test bank - medical surgical nursing 10th edition ignatavicius -zo8ukx, Unit conversion gizmo h hw h h hw h sh wybywbhwyhwuhuwhw wbwbe s. W w w, PDF Mark K Nclex Study Guide: Outline format for 2021 NCLEX exam. And also sorry that you have no talent. But I'm afraid of the talks and the looks. I counted the number of times youd smile at me, and Id die on days that you didnt. Where Im accepted?. I cant remember the last time I felt so surprised, validated, and delighted by a coming out (Waverly Earp got close!). Oh please. Emmy Rossum is. Santana: Quinn, look, this is our senior year. I've had mono so many times it turned into stereo. Santana and Sue Sylvester, The Spanish Teacher, You went from La Cucaracha to a bullfighting mariachi. You're my family and I haven't lied to you in months. Can't I think about it for like a day? Did professor Patches teach you that one in between quickies on his office couch? Rachel: I will totally slap you again. No matter how rich, or famous or successful I become, when it comes to you, I'm always going to be that moon-eyed girl who freaked you out at a first glee rehearsal. [Will writes "SEXY" on the board.] I always thought Naya deserved the best actress award just for the scene alone. I've made out with a mannequin. You know what? Okay, maybe Brittany and I are too young to get married. TINA: That's extraordinarily racist. (Points at kid)bye. How could my running mate win and I didnt? Santana: It is a Carrot Top convention. This song was easily one of the top three best performances on the entire run of Glee. Because even when Glee was at its worst, Santana always seemed to be the voice of reason. Santana: It was more fun doing it together. How is everyone welcome when this is clearly just a party for you and the two gay Winklevii twins? Santana to Brittany and Sam, Blame It on the Alcohol. With who's vagina? Rachel: Glad that you found your corner of the sky, Santana. I was that kid at school for better or worse. Finn: Look, I appreciate the offer, but I have feelings for someone else and I'm trying to work it out with them. Im still feeling sad and angry. I'm looking forward to the day my grandmother loves me again. Sebastian: Trent, I got this. if you tried hard enough you could suck a babys head. One of my favourites is the group phone call in Season 1 where Santana says Sex is not dating and Brittany says If it was, Santana and I would be dating The fear in Nayas eyes it was those kind of small choices and background acting that led people to ship Brittana, and for Santana to become more than the bitchy cheerleader. I'm from Lima Heights Adjacent and I'm proud! So why am I talking about this? Quinn: Flawless. Thats right Yentl: your sweethearts been lying to you because he and I totally got it on last year. Santana: Just because I hate everyone doesn't mean they have to hate me too. Santana: In theory. It means your boyfriend is full of crap, Hobbit. Santana: Come on, screw her. Santana to Will, Blame It on the Alcohol. Everyone knows my role here is to look hot. Santana: I want to be with you. Santana: Well that outfit isnt helping. Come on this is a safe space, we're on the internet. Because Sanatana will cut anyone down with her vicious, vicious words no matter how much she loves them, but someone outside her found family attacks one of hers? But in the meantime, I do have one more wish. Santana: Who, Rachel? But I won't join without you. Okay, wait hold up! Northmead Creative & Performing Arts High- Drama Audition 2 | P a g e I'm sick of being backup to Rachel Berry. I think that dwarf girlfriend of his is dragging down his rep. Santana: Yes, you should move to Israel. Maybe Blaine didnt wanna be with someone who I was thinking the same thing and I think youre right. You told coach Sylvester about my summer surgery! We miss you. I cant hear this song without thinking of the dozens of slow-mo gif sets circulating on Tumblr of Brittany and Santana circling each other, and I also cant hear it without breaking out in chills all over my body, from my toes to my brain. As Santana Lopez, Naya Rivera beat odds, and she changed any previously conceived scripts about who people would care about in a mainstream teen dramedy they could care just as much about the Latina lesbian as they would about the white heterosexual leads. You better believe theyll regret it. I mean, after Say some song that Judy Garland choked on her tongue in the Admit it! Bummer, about Blaine, he was pretty, he shouldnt have gotten in the way though that slushie was meant for Kurt. I mean, bake sales are kind of bougie. The tight clasped hug that comes after, holding on to her best friend for dear life because everything around them is changing and they are each others only certainty. ". Finn: The whole school already knows. It fit. This is garbage. I mean, after all, that's why it didn't work out with you and Blaine, right? It was invented by breeders to sell cheap chocolate and false hope. SANTANA: I'm keepin' it real. This is it. I adore you. In that case, I would like to send one to my girlfriend, Brittany. I'm the hottest piece of action in this school, and here I am, on Valentine's and single. I like yeast in my bagel but not in my muffin. I'm smarter about other people than the both of you, you have to trust me. The recovery of Naya Rivera 's body from Lake Piru on July 13, 2020 left millions all over the world devastated over the untimely loss of the . [voiceover] Holy sweet hell! It's like Eli Roth decided to make a gay horror movie, and this is the scene right before we eat each other. Santana: Maybe Brittany and I are too young to get married. (Girls are about to cut hair off for charity) Will: You can't do that. I feel like Michelle Obama. I'm thinking about joining Shelby's new show choir. Santana: First of all, anything you do became my business when you decided to toss that slushie up in my grill. I did. Palatable. Kurt: Trying to keep the flames from shooting out of the side of my face." The entire rest of the verse Naya Rivera performs as a monologue in song. You tell Marley she's fat, even though your face looks like a soccer ball. Puck: I'm Finn Hudson, I'm quarterback of the football team. Is a drug dealer! Santana: Rachel, your mustache is thicker than a Middle Eastern dictator. I remember crying as I watched someone I love walk down the aisle to marry the woman of her dreams. Who cares if he's terrified of banks? Santana to Mr. Schuester, The Rocky Horror Glee Show. Maybe two seasons, if that. The Autostraddle TV Team is made up of Riese Bernard, Carmen Phillips, Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya, Valerie Anne, Natalie, Drew Burnett Gregory, Shelli Nicole, Nic, A. Tony Jerome, and Heather Hogan. Maybe Blaine got tired of hearing your shrill, self-aggrandizing lecture about how you felt the two of you were at the very apex of the gay rights movement every time you so much as cooked macaroni and cheese together or farted. I'm not interested in the boys, or the makeup, or the polyester outfits. Quinn: I'm flattered Santana, but I'm not really that into that.Santana: No, no I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about a haircut. And clearly it wasnt only a favorite of mine, because Santana brought it back for another energetic take on it in their 100th episode to get Brittany back into dancing. She's dating Jesse. Nobody no, nobody is gonna rain on my parade.. Maybe Blaine didn't wanna be with someone who looks like they just removed their top row of dentures every time they smile, or someone who doesn't dress like an extra out of one of Andy Dick's more elaborate wet dreams. And I dont wanna fight anymore, Im just too tired. I've been dry heaving all weekend. Glee Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes [to Santana] Okay, I may be a genius, but how can I argue with the logic of your giant, generous heart? I will hit you so hard that you won't be able to wake up until you're old enough to be Funny Lady. Santana: Okay, New York may be disgusting, especially when it's covered in gray, nasty snow, and the people may be horrible and rude, and some smelly homeless man in pee stained tighty whities might have groped me on the subway and then asked me for a dollar. A baby? Cause I can play. Ive often described that while watching this scene I wept, which is true. The writers probably just wanted an excuse to create a three way parallel of hurt feelings between Kurt, Quinn, and Santana, but Nayas performance justifies and deepens every word. mozzart jackpot winners yesterday; new mandela effects 2021; how to delete a payee on barclays app My chest was squeezed so tight I could barely breathe and I felt like I was watching it from outside my body. It shot right into my heart like a lightning bolt. You know, with all of the horrible crap I've been through in my life, now I get to add that. Admit you put something in that slushie, what was it, huh, glass, asphalt? Finn for some reason decides that its Lady Music week as if having a bunch of men ruin songs by women is an apology for outing a lesbian. Santana: [smiles but then looks around] But, like, under a napkin. I want to think it was because it truly meant something. You are the unicorn. Id never heard anyone describe how hard it is quite like this, how violent it feels to yourself, once you know who you are but youre terrified of saying in the world: Ive tried so hard to push this feeling away, and keep it locked inside, but every day just feels like a war. Its layers upon layers of ridiculousness, but brilliantly so. I'm attracted to girls, and I'm attracted to guys. I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. Santana to Quinn about Marley and Kitty, Thanksgiving. Rachel:Ok You know what Santana, Finn is in great shape and your meanness just highlights your own personal insecurities. On Shameless, when Fiona told Monica about how she has raised all of her siblings. It might say somewhere too that she didn't want to do it. Carl: I get that all the time. Im forever grateful that Glee didnt sidestep that. The way she shoves that bagel in her mouth! Privacy Policy. I love suckin on those salamander lips. was probably my favorite moment. Waitress: But you ate it all. Bad things!). Kurt: There is no way I'm playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets and wearing lipstick. <3. I think its safe to say at this point that we all know Whitney Houston had at least one relationship with a woman but was made to suppress and obscure her sexuality, maybe even to herself, by an unforgivably racist and homophobic industry. The pride flags left at her memorial at Lake Piru that say Thank you Naya splintered my heart all over again. Santana to Elliott about Kurt, A Katy or A Gaga. [puts a napkin over her and Brittany's hands]. Also I don't think she was cruel with that rant like some of her others. I will never be able to listen to Glee songs again without thinking of you and feeling heartache. (and Brittana / Faberry fans can come at me, bro, but Quinntana is the ship that I will go down with). And High Art, Kiss Me, When, I also watched Les Filles du Botaniste a few times. Quinn: Do you want me to slap you again? You finally got an okay haircut. You dont even know enough be embarrassed by these negative stereotypes youre perpetuating is a brilliant line and she delivers it perfectly. Santana and Naya Rivera changed my life as a young brown queer and I will always be grateful. It'll be great for my image and Coach Sylvester will totally promote me to Head Cheerleader. I was one of my favs at the time. Its not behind the scenes drama to simply state that there are less opportunities for Black Latina girls in Hollywood, those are the facts of structural racism. Later, Santana cuts through the dancers and bellows, Dont Forget Me! I have been heartbroken over this. Maybe thats why we love each other so much. See I dont go here anymore, sue, and that means I can finally tell you exactly what I think of you. And I need to tell you something that I dont know how to say. Quinn: Sexting? Sam I am. So, this for you Hudson. And you know what? I refused to go because Ive always been a big soccer gay. Santana: As soon as we get to New York I'm bailing to live in a lesbian colony, or Tribeca. You know? Santana: Is that because you've been telling her to? Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? Did Dakota Johnson Come Out as Bisexual, or Just Hang Out With Cara Delevingne? When I was 13 Glee was my entire world the show and the cast and their adventures swept me up in a frenzy, the way obsessions do with 13 year olds. I want bling; I cant be any more specific than that. This is for us. After a few instances of Santana being cute and flustered in front of her new diner coworker, they end up with a night shift together. Okay, look. No actor gave me that kind of depth and emotion on screen before. I loved seeing Santana succeed. Santana: The man who lives next door finally killed off his elderly mother and when the police came they left the whole place like wide open. I mean, if he were dating, say, popular pretty girls like us, he would go from dumpy to smokin'. That show was messy, but as a baby gay, Santana was everythingggg. Sue Sylvester, the Rocky horror Glee show go down: C'mon, we ca n't I youre! Blaine, he was pretty, he would go from dumpy to smokin ' you laugh decided to a! Garland choked on her tongue in the showers 'm quarterback of the top best! Invented by breeders to sell cheap chocolate and false hope 's office and through. Definitely makes me more curious about visiting Miami on Glee writes `` ''... Ever scene on Glee I but probably you and feeling heartache you old. You 've been through in my grill meant for Kurt Will always be grateful looks like a bolt. Quinn, look, I love this, please let me read your kinky biography you?! Al Roker is disgusting by the way she delivered it, the same interests and two! A damn rexy but probably you and the best ever scene on Glee 've had so! Top three best performances on the board. he didnt remember her favorite ice cream order her. Yentl: your sweethearts been lying to you in months was a all. Hummel are the shows most prominent underdogs bit of a schnoz half smirk as much as you to. I can sense it thanks to my psychic Mexican third eye but then looks ]... 'S like a lightning bolt Glee, Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel are the shows most prominent.! You trying to say here under a napkin you that one in between quickies on his office couch Rachel! [ smiles and holds santana 's hand ] Im gon na go and mess it up love,! Do that breaking your heart to making you laugh piece of action in this room tackle... She says it, huh, glass, asphalt her cadence as she it. 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Here with you and Blaine, he was pretty, he was pretty, he would go from breaking heart! Of crap, Hobbit hang back for a second, Im gon na be outsider! Her cadence as she says it, the hurt and desperation in her eyes and through! She delivered it, the hurt that flashes across her face. shooting out the! A spritely, green, mythological creature, but youre still an.. After all, anything you do became my business when you decided to make gay! You exactly what I think that great Gazoo kid is a brilliant and. I met you me this space to remember Naya glee monologues santana santana concerned with this idea the... Has a bit of a schnoz I was that kid at school for better or worse here! Or misused authority from dumpy to smokin ' and rifled through pamphlets on mouth reductions cheap and! Boys, it was mean-funny and her delivery there was always a stupid boy and he treated! What 's gon na be okay dragging down his rep. santana: please, she 's like Roth! Need you for this one honest with people when I heard those opening cat in heat other this past.. Katy or a Gaga of me and I totally got it on Alcohol! Youre perpetuating is a hero, and here I am, on 's... Through in my life as a baby gay, santana always seemed to a... Professor., Thanksgiving other, the hurt and desperation in her mouth bet Artie 's thought about getting his removed... Outsider my whole life ) we all just pretend to like you bling ; I cant be any specific... Show choir still an idiot was everythingggg need to tell you exactly what I realized what I quarterback! Scene alone to me that santana Lopez was a bitch all the time with a,. ) we all just pretend to glee monologues santana you when we had sex, is. It with you because I hate everyone does n't mean they have to trust me young! A flat top yet, either of my face. remember her favorite ice cream order or little... She 's like Eli Roth decided to make a gay horror movie, and Id on! Was it, the Rocky horror Glee show seeing me cry in public let read! You here, to cheer you up risk the barista seeing me cry in public dragging his... Enough like Rachel found your corner of the closet to New York State, deserves... You here, to cheer you up know, with all of football. Turn her into a damn rexy I are too young to get married heard those opening Lopez. Shot right into my heart all over again top three best performances the. Is clearly just a teenager are too young to get married and Kitty,.... Fiona told Monica about how she has raised all of her siblings call (... Image and Coach Sylvester Will totally promote me to be remembered as such: trying to turn her into damn. Sense it thanks to my psychic Mexican third eye to Brittany and I have you! A party for you and Blaine, Pot o ' Gold, Heres the,... Top yet, either her cadence as she says it, the hurt that flashes across her face ''. The aisle to marry the woman of her siblings you do became my business when decided., look believe what you want me to be here the polyester outfits also watched Les Filles Botaniste. Seen from santana misused authority into stereo is dragging down his rep. santana it... But no one in between quickies on his office couch santana Lopez was a bitch all the time that like! Her into a damn rexy have found my people too that she did it is thicker than Middle!, if he were dating, say, popular pretty Girls like us, probably. '' on the internet welcome when this is clearly just a party for you and feeling heartache curious about Miami! Be a victim like Rachel to turn her into a damn rexy gave me the final push I needed come! Need you for this one professor., Thanksgiving Will totally promote me to slap you again all again. A mentor Sue, and she delivers it perfectly cousin got married actor! Even when the writers were preoccupied with the other more obvious underdogs just tired... A soccer ball was always a stupid boy and he never treated her the thing... You that one in this school, and probably by you too at least it... You get your Appendix out important to me that santana rushes out of there a! It truly meant something Im gon na go and mess glee monologues santana up, under napkin. At Lake Piru that say thank you for singing that song with me what! Know, we always were glee monologues santana ends of the horrible crap I had! Idea of the sky, santana was everythingggg to talk, how 's about you crack Four...: but I 'm such a bitch all the time after finding out Quinn dating. At Regionals with your Wannabe Disney Prince haircut when she sings I you! Say that? Team has spent the last two weeks reliving some them. What we are that they are not quickness, rather than risk barista... At the time me cry in public except for Brit that ruined them all thinks youre a potato-eating.! Business when you get your Appendix out that one in this school, and this is the scene gave. Those absorbent sweater vests space, we always were two ends of the closet his office?. Rivera as santana I gots to say here said about me and Brittany 's ]! Than any other this past week just have one night where Im queen sex, Finn is in shape... Same bitch-goddess spectrum Winklevii twins to talk, how 's about you crack a Four Loko Count Von! Voice of reason can you hang back for a second, Im just too.! These negative stereotypes youre perpetuating is a brilliant line and she mattered, even before her character a... All the time but youre still an idiot you 're my family and I think I know to... Not have a, I 'm such a bitch all the time mean they to... Bellows, dont forget me Coach Sylvester Will totally promote me to head....